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My baby died today


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Hey guys, just swapped out the ultra PSU for an OCZ 700watt GameXstream system booted up great. I burned a cd, surfed the net for while and then all of a sudden bang(not litterally) the comp shuts down. So I try to start it back up and the fans turn on for maybe 1/2 a second and then shuts back down. I tryed the long CMOS clear, same thing. Then I tryed the old PSU, same thing. Tryed each ram stick one at a time, same thing.


Then I tryed a complete tear-down of my rig meaning everything out of my case, and unhooked everything and put it back together. Same damn thing.


Any Ideas or should I just go ahead and RMA back to newegg?


PS no bad blood towards DFI :) Was a great board while it lasted, my e6600 will be friendless for a week or so.

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Certainly seems like you covered all the bases with your testing. I had something similar happen to me, but it was the psu as one of my spares is working fine in the system while it's rmaing.


I'd guess yer going to have to rma stuff. Though someone else may have another idea to try before you do.

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I tried putting a PCI card in the cpu while it was on. VERY DUMB IDEA(possibly fatal) Luckily, I was touching a plastic part of the card and when the metal touched two capaciters, -------zip. And never turned back on. Just got it back from RMA today and works like a charm again!

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I just lucked out on my wife's PC; I installed a new video card and the cooler actually pushed down on the PCI card below it. Luckily I noticed before turning the rig on, that would have definitely fried something.


Good luck to ya.

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