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Ebay seller wants my help


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Sometime back I bought a Mitsubishi 22" Diamondtron monitor off ebay. good price and decent shipping cost for it. Well the monitor was in good shape and works great BUT it was not the color stated in the auction. So I sent the seller a message about it, he kind of blew me off about and also said he would make sure the description was changed. well He never changed the description. So i left him neutral feedback. I said in the feedbac "monitor work great and good fast shipping but not the color as advetised.


This guy went balisitic on me when I gave him the neutral feedback.

Accused me of being wicked and on some power trip, even hinted I might be racist. well I felt no reason to reply to his rant and just forgot about it.

Now I receive a very polite email from this guy



My selling privelages have been blocked because of the type of feedback you placed on my account. Ebay has asked me to contact you to amend any problems or dissatisfaction that you might have had with the sale of the item you purchased from us.

Please help me to clarify this situation. I do understand that you were not happy with the item since the wrong item was shipped to you and we had to go all around to resolve it. I'm sorry for the problem I had caused you and do need your help.





I have forwarded a copy of the email received from ebay in a separate email to you.



Looking at his recent feedback he had another unhappy buyer who was not just going to leave neutral feedbak guess they filed a complaint agansit him.

It looks as though ebay is making him resolve the the negative and neutral feedbaks before his selling privelages will be reinstated.


Not sure what I should do about the guy. The mesaage that he sent me was disturbing and insulting. It did piss me off a bit.

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Ehh if he was an @ss to you then I would forward his original email to ebay and tell them not to reinstate his privlages. I hate dumb****s that pull the race card and are stupid in general. Its not like your neutral feedback was uncalled for the item was misadvertised.

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I wouldn't help him. You were being nice by leaving him a neutral feedback. The product was clearly mis advertised. He got what was coming to him.

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Yes to all the above.


But don't let him take you into SquareTrade for a resolution. Been there, done that. Never again, as a Seller that is.


SquareTrade is IMHO and experience comprised/staffed of a bunch of lamea$$ knownothings with their only objective seemingly to be make eBay money. As they are wholly owned by eBay this should come as no surprise.


I prevailed and the Buyer lost his privilidges there but it was a long drawn out process that only consisted of malarky on his part. Not one I'll soon repeat. To boot, ST and eBay never did change his Negative on me. My Feedback of 493 on 671 transactions, all Positives save his one Negative.


I'm not sure, but I believe SquareTrade is the only place he can get you to go that has the ability to get your Nuetral placed on him changed.

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I would have been the first one to say screw him, but, since everybody has said that you could email him his response to your negative feed back and explain how it made you feel and tell him why you left neutral instead of negative.


Then make him apologize to you. He might see the error of his ways.

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i would just do as others have a said and forward his original email to you, to ebay, along with a covering letter telling them about your bad experience then i would cc himm on that email as well hahahaha justice

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