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Raccoons in the backyard, need tips to getting rid of them


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Haha some funny tips, I asked the same question on the vent server I was on and one of them brought up using a nuke like AG said.


Like tasr said about raccoons and hot sauce they seem to enjoy the peppers my mom is growing or it could possibly be that the peppers aren't hot at all haha.


Wintersfury I also read about the spray thing where it makes the coons think a wolf or some larger predator marked their scent which I may try but I'll try the pepper idea I'll just have to get some real hot stuff.


I've also thought about traping or even shooting them but I don't have a pelletgun.. yet ;) I love animals but not enough that I'm considering to do some harm to keep them away.


I think what the stuff basically is is wolf pee... You can always try human pee and see if that works... Who knows, it might just wierd em out enough to leave... Or your neighbors enough for them to do something about it instead ;)

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Just leave the pore critter alone. Most people in the NW welcome them. I had a couple that even come in my house once in a wile. learned it from the squares i guess.Raccoons keep other rodents away like opossums and skunks

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one solution is to put a bowl full of prestone and add 1 can or two of tuna in the prestone, raccoons will eat the tuna, and drink the prestone, (it taste sweet, and they will drink it all) but like everyone knows prestone is toxic and its not recommend to drink it, because once you have drink prestone it will dry your stomac and you will die.


ive use this method to get rid of raccoons, skunks, cats, and every little beast that was eating my damn trashes ...


since the prestone dont make effect in 1sec, the raccoons will walk away and die somewhere you wont find it, if you have alot of raccoons you may put 5-6 bowl so they can all taste your toxic mising,


usualy after the raccoons drank 1 gallon, you can consider it dead


This is not a solution if you or your neighbors have outdoor pets. If I had an animal that died because a neighbor did this, I would file as many cruelty-to-animal and toxic-dumping charges as I could.

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I'm sure it would be effective, but this and many other firearm, land mine, and similar sugestions CLEARLY come from people who have not been to the Republic of California lately.


We now proudly have some of the most ... err ... progressive and ... ummm ... effective weapons laws of any state.

Nope, just thinking about any of those things will get you an exclusive, all expenses paid vacation with Charlie Mansion for a room mate ... and for a slightly longer term.


And to top it all off, Booster is living in the 'Frisco area, where it's considered VERY poor form to even frighten a small furry creature.

Booster would be made to pay for several months of therapy for the poor things. (And just for the record [if any Calif. officials are checking] I personally like racoons - really!)


No, I believe that the ONLY safe course for Booster is to HELP the racoons.

Best would be to FEED the racoons.

Of course absolutly NO transfats!

And only Premium Quality ORGANIC fruits and vegetables (strictly VIGAN in Frisco is safest!)

He may wish to check the diet with several "racoon support" groups to verify that he isn't inadvertantly causing stomach trauma.


Yes, no doubt about it FEEDING the racoons a large quanity of healthy, tastey, racoon delicaciesis the BEST way out of this mess.


Just feed them in someone ELSES back yard for a few weeks!



Some things, you just gotta BE in California to understand! :D

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I'm sure it would be effective, but this and many other firearm, land mine, and similar sugestions CLEARLY come from people who have not been to the Republic of California lately.


We now proudly have some of the most ... err ... progressive and ... ummm ... effective weapons laws of any state.

Nope, just thinking about any of those things will get you an exclusive, all expenses paid vacation with Charlie Mansion for a room mate ... and for a slightly longer term.


And to top it all off, Booster is living in the 'Frisco area, where it's considered VERY poor form to even frighten a small furry creature.

Booster would be made to pay for several months of therapy for the poor things. (And just for the record [if any Calif. officials are checking] I personally like racoons - really!)


No, I believe that the ONLY safe course for Booster is to HELP the racoons.

Best would be to FEED the racoons.

Of course absolutly NO transfats!

And only Premium Quality ORGANIC fruits and vegetables (strictly VIGAN in Frisco is safest!)

He may wish to check the diet with several "racoon support" groups to verify that he isn't inadvertantly causing stomach trauma.


Yes, no doubt about it FEEDING the racoons a large quanity of healthy, tastey, racoon delicaciesis the BEST way out of this mess.


Just feed them in someone ELSES back yard for a few weeks!



Some things, you just gotta BE in California to understand! :D


And don't drop the soap. :D


Haha, sorry that was bad :nod: :sweat:

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Rant removed - but everyone -PLEASE


It destroys the liver and death is certain and painfull.

Ask any doctor!

It looks like CoolAide and tastes Sweet.


Halloween can be fun.


Dead kids are NOT so funny.

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