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Review/build log: Thermaltake Extreme Spirit 2 Chipset Cooler with pic


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the really interesting bit is how it compares to the HR-05 [and its SLI variant]. im assuming by the looks of things the rh05 should be superior, but if the margin between them is very small, the flexibility that this thing offers is superb!

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Nice heatsink and thread :). And I thought I was the one with bad ambient temperatures :P.


Yeah, it's god awful in this oven that is Las Vegas. Also, the temps are kinda screwed up because the HS is drawing hot air off of the voltage regulators on the XTX. (The red sink that's messing up the SLI part.)


Not to be off topic Thraxz, but nice name for the kitty. I have a Siamese that is named L.E.O., but it is short for Little Evil One ;)


Nice install BTW


Thanks man, on both accounts. Yeah, his full name is Leonardo De'cat'rio... the girl kitty we've got is Cleo... short for Cleo'cat'ra.


Great pics!


Thanks man. I've messed up on a few of tehe other build logs I've done by takign half as many pics as needed and really concentrated on getting lots of good pics. Side effect? I learned how to manuallly focus my digital camera.

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Hmm, I forgot that those run hot. Every time I check mine, the card's off so they aren't very hot. I went to LV in May 2005, and it was like 112 during the day already, so I can imagine how hot your house gets.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Lancer33

It is a great cooler and it will work with SLI. It is tight but it works. These photos show it mounted on my ASUS board. I have not set it up on the UT nF4 yet but it appears it will work on it also.

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Guest Lancer33

Agreed. It is a tight fit with 2 7800's.

Like I said I have not put it on the DFI yet, I lapped the stock cooler and used AS5.....chipset is holding at 35c and it should drop some as the AS cures.

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