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Lonely Cpu

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Man, I wish my new HSF would get here because my 3000+ 400FSB is lookin mighty lonely just sitting on my desk...


Should I really get a shim for it? I'm almost worried about it, but I didn't start using shims until this summer and they don't really help anything, they just prevent hurt... what's your opinion?

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It all depends. most of the time i would not use a shim just make sure not to crush your core. now although if you are using an overweight HSF and you will be transporting your pc to diff locations or a lan party that is when i would definatly put one on. when transporting just the shaking of your pc with an overweight HSF can crush the core so be careful.

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Don't use a shim...I used one on my old Duron 1ghz, but I had to take it out for my 2400+ to post. It was shorting out against the cpu or something (maybe it had to do with the change from ceramic to whatever-the-heck they use for the packaging now). Anyway, the shim only caused problems for me.

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