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Will This Work?


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Ok i currently use a Cable Router for my and my girlfriends computers but the router has closed ports that i cant open. and when i download from kazaa i get reaaaaaaly slow rates like less than 1kbs.


my question is would the diagram below work?


if im hooked directly to a modem (not through a router) i get speeds on the same download at like 300kbps....


any info would be appreciated.

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My setup goes like so:


The cable modem connects to my computer in my nvidia etherent adapter and i use my second ethernet adapter in my system to connect to my wife's computer. I setup WinXP to share the connection. True, my comp must be on to let her have interent, but its a great and from what I have seen, fast solution. Its also cheap. The IP address on her computer is not seen by my cable company. Works for me just fine.

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You don't need 2 cable modems, you could just get a cheap switch. Or buy a new router, since that way they won't ding you for a 2nd IP address. Last summer I wired up my house with cat5 all through the attic and down into the basement in the walls and stuff, i've never had a problem with slow speeds through my Netgear router.

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