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Cpu,mobo,case Giveaway (folding Contest) Update!


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For those of you that don't receive the Overclockers Club Newsletter, I thought I would go ahead and post this message here.


"Well, it's official and our newsletter subscribers are the first ones to know! We have set the date for when we will draw the winners of the Folding@home contest! Three winners will be drawn on December 12, 2003 for first, second, and third place. So if you're currently a folding member, get to work! If you're still not yet a folding member you still have a chance at this contest! More information can be found here."



More information can be found at: http://forums.overclockersclub.com/index.php?showtopic=9642

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Well its nice to hear but i cant say im excited. 1) No word on prizes 2)WAs tailored so that the ppl that have been doing it longer win (has its pluses but also one HUGE minus to it) 3) Well what can i say but the best that someone with my points could do is when third prize if hell froze over

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it really isnt a fair contest in my opinion. ive been folding awhile now and i can see where he is comming from. they work the butts off for the past few months to try and get as many as they can in and they have only a 1000 or two points. yes at least they have 1-2 names in the hat but that dosent compaire to the 98 some other people will have. i mean come on maybe for all active users put their name in the hat once then pick three names out. thats alittle more fair in my opinion.

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Well, in my opinion it is fair. I haven't been here for a really long time but I have already gotten past 12,000. I got there because I put a little work into it and got more computers running it. People that have been here for even 2 weeks could get more than 1-2g's. Just takes a little work, dedication, and remembering that this contest wasn't made to reward the people who have been here for five minutes and happend to win.

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Well, I don't want to start a flame war, but I see it as a matter of who has more money or even the corporate sponsership to do this. More systems = more points, myself I only have two systems, the second will start folding once again after I have it formatted back to XP. For those that have access to work systems, great...I could possibly do it from my call centre, but my workstation is only a PIII 733 and the IT would shoot me. I am thinking of the "little people" out there.

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Well, I don't want to start a flame war, but I see it as a matter of who has more money or even the corporate sponsership to do this. More systems = more points, myself I only have two systems, the second will start folding once again after I have it formatted back to XP. For those that have access to work systems, great...I could possibly do it from my call centre, but my workstation is only a PIII 733 and the IT would shoot me. I am thinking of the "little people" out there.

i agree with you. i mean ive been folding since a couple weeks before the contest started and i still dont even have 2000 points yet. i have a 500 mhz celeron so i could definitely use a new computer. its takes so long to finish one WU that i lose my dna strand each week cause the script that linuxpro wrote takes me off automatically. im currently in the process of building a new computer and winning some of the parts would save me a lot of money.

Edited by AxcesDenyed

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I just felt that some restrictions could be put into place such as active processor limit or something. LinuxProX makes the rules, and I respect that. Just a concern, not a rant.

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While it might not be fair, it's a lot better than no contest at all :) Unfortunately for me I forget to start folding half the time when I leave my computer, so my score is pretty pathetic.

dont get me wrong. i know that its better than no contest. just wish my chances of getting anything werent so slim. <_< and pizoi, you might want to set up folding as a service so that you dont have to start it up.

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I've been folding since a couple weeks before the contest started and i still dont even have 2000 points yet. I have a 500 mhz celeron so I could definitely use a new computer. its takes so long to finish one WU that I lose my dna strand each week cause the script that linuxpro wrote takes me off automatically

I hear ya'... but I wouldn't complain if I had your score Hmmmm.... <_< I've been folding almost since I joined & look @ my dismal ranking... :P:lol:


I guess you do the best you can with what you've got... :D

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