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Does Evercool VC-RE fit on a nF3 250Gb


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Will it work? also would this fit on my 9800pro too?


Yes, it will fit, but with serious moddification. (See modding and cooling threads.) One of the posters had modded his evercool to clear a component on his nf3 ultra-d (socket 939?)

I am in the process of filing down my evercool VC-RE to fit on my 250Gb. I had to file one of the clip-ons to clear capacitors PLUS the copper itself so it doesn't even touch any capacitors. I also rat-tail filed mine to clear that round cylinder close to heatsink.


One concern now is...will my arctic cooler on my x800xt PE clear the evercool. I believe it will. If not, i can make it fit with just a little more modding. My major concern is the underlying components on the board. I've been searching the forums for any info on this and can't find any, so I'm getting ready to post my question.


Will the overhanging (but not touching) of the evercool of the components on the 250Gb interfere with mobo circuitry underneath the cooler? There are a few more than the ultra-d, And Happy G. said it wouldn't fit w/o serious modifification. But he never said it wouldn't work. With the mods i stated that i did, will it work ok w/o shorting anything out? Remember, the cooler is not touching anything except the chipset itself, which should give enough rise to the EC to clear mobo components. Am i correct? I don't know if it will fit your 98pro. You should get an arctic silincer for that (JMHO) as they blow hot air out the back of your pc, keeping inside temps down.

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Will it work? also would this fit on my 9800pro too?


Well, i got it to fit. I took a hell of a lot of modding. I had to file down parts of the copper heatsink to clear the cylinder on the mobo near the chipset. I also did some more homework and found out the clip is too short.


So i got out my trusty craftsman variable speed drill and used a small drill to "file a longer inset" for the reataining clips. I finally got my board up with all the new stuff i ordered (in sig and it's running good for now. I'll get to 'oc later, as i need to go to the bleedin' edge forums and get my stock ram timings. So far I'm running 2 gigs at 2.5-3-2-5 2t.


I don't know how to set the other timings yet but I'll learn from them. I realize Sidpaul and i didn't get any responses because; not to many people have these boards and are willing to moddify the cooling on these boards. Some report adaquate chipset cooling with passive stock cooler, but when i had mine on a testbed, i touched it and it was very warm, but not quite hot. But also there was no fan blowing on it. (i have 2 side case fans)



Sidpaul, i think it will fit your 98pro, as I've seen posters who say they took their 98pro coolers off and put them on the 250Gb. But check 1st. Do some googling, that's how i found out the clip on the evercool is too short. Measure things, and see if there is anything that might be in the way.

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  • 6 months later...

I got a new Evercool VC-RE.


Seems I have trouble getting it to fit on my DFI NF3 250gb.


can anyone point me to the guide. I tried searching, but all I came up with were guides for nf4.

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