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This is now happened to me twice on two computers, I get everything set and boot from CD to install WinXP and get part way through then all of a sudden it starts having problems reading from the cd such as it can't find certain dll files. I have tried other windows CD's it still does the samething. I can install it the CD on other systems just not this one. If you start skipping the files it screws up the install, any ideas? :angry:

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I'm beginning to think that you people don't even read posts all the way through anymore, because he had answered all your questions/suggestions in his post already. He's tried other CD's, and it works on other comps.


So, anyways, I had the same problem. I thought it was the CD and tried others, including legitimate retail copies, and it still failed. (If you're using all burned copies, then try and get a retail copy and try it). I got a new cpu and mobo for the computer (everything else the same), and then the CD worked fine, and i'm actually on it right now (not the one in my sig). In other words, it could be a bad mobo. That was the conclusion i reached, after testing the harddrive and seeing that that wasn't corrupt...and testing the memory, and knowing that wasn't corrupt, i was left with only one alternative...bad mobo...and i was right :) (well techincally i don't know if i'm right because i didn't test my old mobo, but this new one works, so theoretically i am right :P ) Anyways, if you can test the mobo out, do that, or just go fork over the money for a new one like i did.

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I'm beginning to think that you people don't even read posts all the way through anymore, because he had answered all your questions/suggestions in his post already. He's tried other CD's, and it works on other comps.



Anyways I figured out what it was turns out it was a bad stick of memory thanks for the help though :)

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