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Turning Off An Overclocked Computer?


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Is it safe to shut down an overclocked computer every night. I heard its not good for the computer? Like it will fry in a week? I just overclocked this computer and Ive been leaving it on all day, but I shut it down at night. Is this safe or are the rumors true?


Is it safe to keep your computer computer running all the time? I mean like years?

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No it wont hurt your comp turning it off but eventtualy ur comp will die. Things like the fans and the hd are mechanical and eventualy give out but by the time they do its usualy too old to be usefull.

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no not in a month

ive had a hard drive for 3 years so far and no problems with it

but i had another hd for like 3 months and it satrted ticking it sounded like a Fin bomb lol but i think that was adefective drive. i perfer not to shut down my comp. only time i do is during a big storm. not a lil shower with a lil lighting lol thats what insurance is for anyways :P.

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is it still safe to do this with an overclocked computer? I mean cuz I really want to shut the computer off at night. How much more damage will it do if you shut off an overclocked computer everyday? Because from what Ive heard, its not good to shut the computer off?

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I have a 2500+ running at the rate of a 3000+ if i would remove the non stock cooling on my video card it would smoke, and i always shut it down at night. i've been doing that for years in fact i never let it run unattended when i'm finished with it (late at night) i shut it down NP. ;)

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