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Lite-on Ldw 401s Problem

Ripple Cut

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Whats Up people, My first post :D


I recently bought a lite On LDW401S DvD+R burner, but it will not burn any dvds. I am using DVD X Copy and have tried 3 different brands of DVD+R media. The drive seems to reconize the blank disks and any other disk i put in, Plays music DVDs and sees data files. This is the error message i get no mater what i do:


Fatal SCSI Driver error. Lower Bytes of 'SCSIError' Give Driver Error code


Rechecked and reseated all of the connectors.


I went hunting to see if there were any new drivers/firmware for it and came up empty.


RMA time???


Thanx in advance :D

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A lot of people have been complaining about the performance of that particular drive. Peeps have been requesting a firmware update from Lite-On, but nothing has been produced yet. RMA won't fix these problems, but a change in brands will if Lite-On doesn't produce a new firmware quickly to fix it.

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