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random crashes

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ok, so i've tried everything i can think of, and now im finally going to post my problem.


i recently got a lan party ut nf4-sli-dr motherboard. Before i had this motherboard i didnt have this problem at all. it posts just fine, and boots, and my memory passes memtest every time, but when i load windows, the computer will randomly shut down. no warning, just "BLEEoooo" and completly random...


so i thought it could be windows, so i reinstalled windows, and the problem persisted.

so i thought it could be my overclocking, so i set everything to stock speeds, and the problem persisted.

so i thought it could be my psu, so i got an "A" list psu (enermax) and still, the problem persists...

i dont know what to do anymore.. does anyone have any suggestions? i'm thinking faulty motherboard...

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Your best bet is to visit the Stock Speed Database and Socket939 Overclocking Database and research settings from other users with similar hardware to yours. Use their timings as a starting point. All of the posts in those two threads are bootable and confirmed stable.


Have you ran Memtest and Prime95 Torture Test (blended) to confirm that your current BIOS, voltage and memory settings are stable? If not thats the first place you should start.


Memtest, tests number five and eight for 5-10 loops. If it comes back error free run all tests one through eight, overnight is ideal. If those come back error free, then boot into Windows and run Prime95 for eight or more hours.


My guess is that you are going to fail one of those two stress tests at your current settings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What if memtest86+ v1.65 pass error free for several hours, but in prime95 (core0+1) test on core 0 fails after 5min. and test on core 1 runs error free about 10 hours? All power connectors are plugged into the board, and nothing is overclocked.

Fresh windows with drivers for x2 and amd optimizer

Random crashes included.

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I had a couple of sticks of G.Skill HZ RAM that would memtest as long as you wanted, and still my SLI-DR didn't like them. I would get random POST hangs, no matter what settings anyone else had, I had tried every imaginable combination, and nothing, RMA'ed, still nadda, so I bought some OCZ's that are in my sig, and everything went away.


The G.Skills are currently running in a back-up Asus board, just toot toot tootin away. Chuggin right along, without a hiccup.


Have you always had the AMD X2 Drivers, and the AMD optimizer installed on that OS install? Were you having problems that were solved/created by them?

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I have buy x2 & 2x1gb memory at the same time. That time errors occures. Games dont crash, only windows in 2d mode and torture tests like Prime, Memtest(Win) and SP2004.

Maybe the problem is in my setting up this tests? Test dont crach, only error reporting.

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When you are setting up your dual Prime95 run, are you using the custom settings block to reduce the amount of memory allocated to the test? When running dual Prime Blended Torture Test, if you don't change the memory allocation then it will use 100% of your physical memory as well as hit the hell out of your page file.


When setting up dual prime, always use the custom setting. Open up each instance of Prime, make sure to set your affinity using the task manager. And then from your Prime toolbar select >options>torture test>custom> and change the memory amount used from the default of 1950mb (when running 2gb) to something like 750 or 800mb for each instance of Prime that is running.

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