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i like intel, but...


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Intel is a classy lady for not sending processers to DFI.


honestly, if they did we'd have a lot more intel boards and maybe even a lanparty 975x.

come on intel, it's not even .001% of your profits to send dfi a couple chips.




it's soo frusterating!


i wanna dfi board for my D 805, but my only choices are 240 dollars or the 945g which can't sli..


please intel.


i beg you

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What would make you think DFI doesn't have any Core2 CPU's?


The reason you don't have many choices for Intel boards is pretty clear. DFI was making money hand over fist with AMD boards and it wasn't profitable to build new Intel boards. With the introduction of core2 they hit the market with a board pretty quick.

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that is true, and the infinity seems great.


but look at the options the amd users have. i remember reading somewhere from HG, that he would do more stuff with intel if they sent more proc. which leads me to believe that we'd have more boards... catch my drift?

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What would make you think DFI doesn't have any Core2 CPU's?


The reason you don't have many choices for Intel boards is pretty clear. DFI was making money hand over fist with AMD boards and it wasn't profitable to build new Intel boards. With the introduction of core2 they hit the market with a board pretty quick.


1. because I've repeatedly told you all that Intel hasn't sent us but a single chip to Taiwan, nothing else, and they don't plan to....so Rgone and I won't be doing much Intel supporting at all if that is how they want to be. AMD sends us tray after tray of chips so that is the platform we choose to support and play with the most. It shows you how serious AMD is about getting grass-roots support while it shows that Intel is actually scared of real users getting their new processors only to find out that they really are not any better than the AMD cpu's overall.


2. true. 99% vs 1% was how it was AMD vs Intel for DFI. It is now about 98.5% AMD vs 1.5% Intel, and it will stay that way as long as Intel doesn't want to support us with processors like AMD does.

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to be honest... im not too concern wit Conroe.... (plus the fact i cant afford it), but what id really love to see is a DFI board for my next upgrade...


Quad Processor........... :)


heck i dont care if they just skip Core Duo altogether, as longas they come up wit some DFI Lanparty *Jupiter* or Pluto or wutever to support DEERHOUND QuadCore AMD...w00t w00t!!!!



ps: Angry, nice avatar!! is that momma?? i remember seeing u and momma's pic somewhere in the thread like 6 months ago or wutever and.... u guys looks great!

i think momma loose some weight and u actually gain some (which is good as well coz u used to be skinny n scary....)


sorry.... off topic, i kno........... :)

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