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System Time not right.

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Did a search on the forums for this but all I found was a bunch of stuff about timing and ram.


I have a LANPARTY UT nF4 SLI-DR Expert and I've noticed for the past few weeks that every now and then the time will be off +/- 3-6 hours. The minutes will be correct, just not the hours, so like, if its 4:30PM real time, my computer will show 1:30PM in windows and the system time in the Bios.


Anyone got any ideas as to what this may be?




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I didn't check watsonte's links, but it looks to me like you just need to adjust your Time Zone setting. Windows updates this time live, so if your timezone is wrong, you'll never be able to keep the right time for long (even if you keep resetting it).

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