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Newark Slowing Down?

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Had my Newark 4000+ in my 250GB rig, and then moved it over to my Infinity NF4X. Had a prime stable overclock of 12 X 248MHz. One day, about 6 weeks ago, I started crashing out in 3D Mark 03, Battle For Proxycon. I determined it was my processor. Went down a peg to 247MHz and stability returned. In Prime as well.

Now I am down to 245MHz to stay stable.

VCore set at 1.55 in BIOS. Software reports 1.52V. Bios reports 1.56 or so. temps are good, as far as can be told with this motherboard. I have a temp sensor snuggled up against the core. (Newark is a mobile and is lidless) Never goes above 43C, so, even allowing for the temp probe not being in full contact with the hottest spot, it should be under 50C.

Is my CPU dying?

I could return it to stock, but then my memory will be slow, and what's the fun in running stock?

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Same. 1.55V. Well, my upgrade to 939 may happen sooner than I planned.

Forgot to mention that it is definitly CPU related. Set memory on a divider, still fails Prime in 30 minutes or less. Set LDT to X2, same result. Set CPU multi to X11 or lower HTT, it passes.

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