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BIOS recommendation please

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I'm interested in upgrading to a dual core (Manchester, socket 939) sometime in the next couple months and will need to update my BIOS for that. I'm currently using the 3/16/05 version. I think there were/are 3 different flavors (1,2,3) of each BIOS, optimized for different memory compatibility and mine I'm thinking is the version 2.


I might be interested in getting another 1 GB of memory also - as similar as possible to what I already have. Based on this, can anyone make a BIOS recommendation?



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Does anyone know what kind of ram I'm currently using, i.e., tccd/uccc, etc. ? Is there a database/listing of this kind of info? I remember that the OCZ stuff I have was Angry/Happy's recommendation at the time I first put my machine together about a year ago. Given how finicky this board was, I'm inclined to only upgrade my memory with very similar technology.



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