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Raid 0 on Venus problems....

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Hi Guys


I can't get Raid o to work on my Venus motherboard.


I have read this thread...




But I get an error message after installing drivers from Floppy, just after the system goes black screen for 5 sec.


What does this error messege meen?


( sorry it´s in Danish, but the digits are the same ) :rolleyes:


Greetings PRJ

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well, im not sure of the problem, but if your using the drivers you got with the box, then thats probably the problem...

just download the drivers from nvidia's site, open them, and copy the (not sure here!) idesata dir? (i forgot... :, look for the same file names as in the floopy) into a floopy...

that should probably fix it...

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Check the bios to be sure everything is enabled correctly for raid. I use the disk that came with my Venus for it and my Experts and haven't had any problems.


Edit: I see in your screenshot there's something about chkdsk. Can you tell us what is being said?

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