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9 standoff's - 10 holes... which hole goes?

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Heh. Same with my buddy's case when i put his together. Go get yerself another standoff from a local PC shop or better yet a PC recycle store.


Corp edition of XP64 eh??

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I think i'll keep the middle one and get rid of the middle one on the right hand side. I'll be replacing my northbridge soon so when I do that i'll make sure to get another standalone and screw.... actually i'm gonna try calling up gigabyte and see what they can do. they DID say standard ATX formfactor... what the hell

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The edge of the board that the I/O ports out the back has 4 holes along hat edge. Do not use the second from the bottom of the board. Do not put stand off there either as they often short. Top edge of board three in a row. Middle of board has 3 in a row. Bottom edge of board has three in a row. The odd man out and do not use is the second from the bottom nearest the edge the I/O ports are on. I have seen many boards using the second from the bottom on the rear of the board that would short the board and it not work.



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damnit I already have the thing in and it took forever. I'm guessing you are talking about the side of the mobo, that when installed faces the back of the computer? where your mouse and everything plugs into...


if it shorts than that's DFI's fault and I will RMA

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Actually if it shorts then it's an installation issue and NOT DFI's fault. I had no problems using all available standoffs with my configuration though so take it easy.


Always amazed at how people will complain about not wanting to take the motherboard out of the case. It's a quick easy job. Only reason it would be a pain is if your using water cooling.

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if a single, known, short problem exists on the board, and I do nothing WRONG while installing it, and it shorts because of this PROBLEM with the board than it is dfi's fault. But if it happened that often thay would have fixed it so i'm not gonna worry :-D


everything's hooked up. Wish me luck!


oh, but my power LED on my case... it just says Pow LED + and Pow LED - and they are individual. There are three pins on the board for the power led. so which ones stick where?


thanks guys

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yeah... mine has been born a rats-nest




but yea, it took me a while to get this all hooked up. But i'm new to it. However the one standalone I left out is the one I actually needed... it's right where the IDE connection is and you have to push pretty hard to get it in. I had to squeeze my hand in and hold it steady with my fingers.


I booted it up and it looks like it's OK.


I think I need to reset the DMI pool since it's last out-of-case expierence


[edit] update - running memtest, DMI pool updated succesfully. Currently using my new logitec G15 keyboard on my old computer and I love this thing!

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