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No more TV out

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I have the videocard shown in my sig and i hooked up the HDTV out to a TV through a RCA connector. Everything was fine until one day all of the sudden i couldn't get a signal from the computer. Furthermore the videocard did not recognise a TV atatched to one of the 3 RCA outs making the HDTV out (i connected only the middle RCA aka Composite)...


I tried a different TV but same problem... diferent drivers same problem.

I enabled force TV in the drivers... but still no signal...

I tried connecting the RCA to one of the other 3 outputs making the HDTV signal... but in no go... though one of them worked but only black&white.


If the videocard broken?


I have the latest 91.31 drivers from nVidia and the tv is a standard Samsung CRT Flat

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