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The Solution... cooling that is


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Well it's time to drop the dollar on cooling but the question is what. I have a stock CPU and GFX cooler which both are actually doing quite well for just being stock(2.79ghz X2 w/ only 1.5v and 705/1896 7900GT w/ only 1.2v core). The chassis currently has 1x120mm rear fan and a PSU w/ a 120mm fan in it, thats all for cooling. So I have come down to the following options.



Big Typhoon w/ a Globalwin 120mm fan

Zalman VF900 for the video card

Intake 120mm fan




Maze4 GPU Block


Stealth GTS 360 Radiator

DD-D5 Pump

1/2" Tubing

3x120mm Globalwin fans

**Unsure about addtives or fillports**



I'm trying to balance performance, noise and cost. The air cooled system is obviously cheaper BUT it seems that I have a very good overclocking video card and CPU so that MAY make it worth buying the WC kit. Any recommendations are welcome along with changing some componets in my two configured setups.

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At $300 for W/C and what you would gain from it, I'd buy another Raptor and RAID0 or another 7900GT and SLI. Get something that would improve performance in a way you could see it and feel it.


I pieced my water cooling together 50 or 60 bux at a time, when I had real cash I bought something that would give me a big hit performance wise.

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Yeah, go with air, WC'ing is great but you can achieve a very close performance with air if done right and well placed fans. I just took off my WC'ing on my rig and went air all out. The big factor is that I have an AC unit in my room now and the air cooling is just as good as my WC'ing.

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Air it is... now i'm going to investigate some more into hard drives. I'm going to have to see if raptor 150's performance gain justify it's cost. And also how the raptor's respond to Raid 0.


Thanks guys, i'll be making a purchase tonight prolly

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