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AMD 64X2 4400+ crashing

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I upgraded my system last week from a 3200+ Venice core 64 to a 4400+ X2 Toledo core and have had nothing but problems with gaming. It crashes within 15 minutes of starting a game. I upgraded my PSU from a Enermax 485W to the Antec in my sig, thinking that my PSU was not powerful enough, but that did not help. I have the AMD Driver and the Dual Core optimizer. I ram Memtest86 for ~8 hours with no errors and prime 95 for 6 hours with no problems. It only seems to crash during gaming. Would a clean install of XP Pro help? I updated my BIOS and cleared my CMOS and that did not help. I have my latest mainboard, sound, and GPU drivers installed and XP is up to date.

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did you install windows dual core hotfix? Also, did reset the cmos? Try to assign hte game to single core and see if that helps.


Also, try to reinstall the game first and install all the patches to see if that help b4 you attempt to reinstall windows.

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Welcome to DFI-Street


Wevsspot had great success in upgrading from a single core to dual core. Check his post here.


Somewhere else there is some specific instructions for upgrading from single to dual core CPU’s. Try using the search function.

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Thanks for all the help/suggestions, I searched but didn't see anything, but I just searched under 4400+ not dual core. I had a 485W Enermax and had the same problems so I went to the higher wattage Antec, not knowing DFI's didn't take to them well. The processor is recognized by CPU-Z and under device manager as two cores, so Windows views it as Dual core, but it lacks stability. Could the PSU be the issue? ( I have all 4 connections to the MOBO) I guess I could try to return my Antec and go with one of the reccomended ones, if that will help. What wattage would be reccomended: 600W, 700W? Thanks again for all the help.

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The stability tests you said you ran this was after installing new cpu? If so would try uninstalling gfx drivers and then run driver cleaner pro and re install and see if helps.

Yeah, the tests were done after I installed the 4400+. I tried the driver cleaner pro and it did the same thing as before, crashing about 10 mins into the game. The games I hve tried are COD2, BF2, Titan Quest, and Civ 4.

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.... I searched but didn't see anything, but I just searched under 4400+ not dual core.....

I’m doing real well with my 4400.


Short Description:

246x11 @ 2706Mhz, 1.350v + 113%

2.5-3-8-3 @ 2.8v vdimm

My Overclocking Database Post


Anyway check this thread out to see more happy campers. What are your X2 4400 made of?


I think your biggest hurdle is going to be memory timings. Search the Stock Speed Database (SSDB) and Overclocking Database (OCDB) for timings and overclocking settings. You can get some ideas there.


Also referring back to the The Definitive DFI AMD Overclocking Guide is always a good option.



Are all the power connectors plugged in will make a world of difference in stability and overclocking. These are;

24-pin main power connector

4-pin 12v secondary connector or EPS

4-pin 5v/12v molex connection or HDD-type

4-pin 5v/12v floppy connection or FDD-type



Test your PSU voltage rails.


Then look at DFI Recommended Power Supplies (UPDATED June 14th, 2006!).


I my opinion and with your rig, I would go with a;


OCZ PowerStream 520W or the OCZ GameXStream 600W.


To cover any future upgrades like the Expert or SLI, I would go with a OCZ GameXStream 700W


If you can swing it, those are super PSU’s. It’s a real good investment for your rig. Just creeping over the min watts does give you any room. Look at peoples signatures and see what they are using for these high end rigs.

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