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NF4 SLI-DR memory/stability issues + dead NB fan

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OK, let's try again since the last topic got deleted (I assume because of my lack of a sig)


I'd been noticing some weird problems lately, like Data Execution Prevention popping up when I try to play certain games or Windows Media Player. Also games would crash to desktop or blue screen a lot.


I tried tweaking some memory settings in bios and when I booted up, I got "NTLDR is missing". The OS has been corrupted, this has happened several times before when I've been trying to get the memory stable.


Running the integrated memtest would give me errors on test 5 & 8. I tried running at stock settings, even loosening timings even further, but still errors. Sometimes hundreds, occasionally just a couple. The errors always occur at 98-99%. I've heard this is a very common thing.


So I opened up the case to try swapping the RAM sticks and I noticed the northbridge fan wasn't working. Could it be overheating and causing the memory problems?


I swapped the sticks over, but still got errors. So, I've been testing each stick individually and everything is good so far. I'm running the ram on a divider giving me 214mhz (which is the limit at stock timings), and I have my 3700+ at 2.8ghz. Each stick has done 50 error-free passes of tests 5 and 8, I've also done about 9 hours of all tests with one stick... the other is testing right now, no signs of errors yet.


Any thoughts on what the problem could be? The only thing I can think of is the chipset overheating when trying to run the ram in dual channel. In the meantime, once the ram is done testing I'll just get the OS reinstalled on one stick, at least I know that will be stable.


Not sure how hot the NB is getting, will need to check. Is it at all dangerous to have it running without a fan (apart from the obvious dual channel problem)? Should I just RMA the board rather than replacing the cooler, just in case something has been damaged?


I'm testing the single sticks in the top orange slot. vmem is 2.8v. It doesn't POST using the bottom orange one, I assume this is normal? Any point in trying the yellow ones?


As I said in the previous thread, I have ordered an Evercool VC-RE, are there any other suggestions in the meantime? I'm keeping the board cool with a desk fan.



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I'm no expert but I would say that running the board with a faulty NB fan is a BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD idea. If it is just the NB overheating I would buy a new (better) one for cheap and replace it. Tutorial Here.


It will not void your DFI warrenty as long as you don't cause any physical damage to the board during the process. If you still get problems, and the people here say it's a problem with your mobo, I would take the new NB HS/F off, put the old one back on, and RMA it.


But wait in case i'm off on this. I don't wanna be giving people bad info :P it's just what I would do.

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Well, the Evercool seems to have solved the problem - memtest is running in dual channel with no errors so far.


I was surprised at how difficult it was to get the original DFI cooler off. It wouldn't budge at all, so I warmed it up with a hairdryer and it came off with a little twisting. The yellow thermal pad was absolutely brick hard, is it supposed to be like that? I'm thinking it maybe got baked solid since the heatsink wasn't getting cooled properly.

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