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Asus Ti4200 => On Tv

howie b

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Okay, so I have an ASUS V9280/TD (Ti4200), and I am going NUTS trying to figure out how to display it on my TV. The problem is, that my TV does not have an S-video connection. Now before I go spending money on an S-video cable and an S-Video to RCA converter (this is what I think will make it possible, because I have RCA outputs on my TV) is this right? Is this what I need to do? Run the S-video into my Video card, and then an S-Video to RCA converter to my TV? Anyone please help me gain back my sanity!!!







and This are what I'm talking about.


sigh..doesn't anyone have an answer?!??!!??!!!

Edited by howie b

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Yes, that would work. My video card came with a s-video to RCA adaptor, but it plugged into the video card and you put an RCA cable from that to the TV, but I'm sure either way would work.



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If it's not too late, that won't work unless you buy an s-video coupler as well.


What I would do is buy the first item (converter) which plugs directly in to the video card, then a standard RCA video cable to go to the TV.


If you bought both of those, you would plug the cable in to your vid card, plug a coupler to the other end of the cable, plug in the adapter to the coupler, then a standard RCA video cable to your TV.

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Ugh, I didn't look at the stuff he was buying before I posted, and just expected that he knew that you would need a adaptor with the ports switched (s-video female, RCA male) in order to do what he was looking for.


Yes, that adaptor works the way mine does: plug it into your video card, and plug an RCA cable between that and your TV. No need for an expensive S-V cable.



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oh, sweet....luckily I didnt buy either yet, so all I need is the converter just to clarify? (the $9.99 item?) Thanks again guys.




Yes, all you need is the converter as long as you have a spare RCA cable lying around somewhere. Otherwise, you'll need one o 'dem too.



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