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Black Screen when getting into windows.

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This is a strange one that has me completely perplexed. My specs for my 3200 board are below.

Here's the deal:

While running through the normal boot process and right after the windows logo disappears, just before the logon screen, the screen goes blank for abot 6 seconds then the mouse pointer shows and another 5 seconds passes then the logon screen. I can't figure this out. Now there is one more mystery. Most times it will hang (one time) and lock and the mouse freezes--usually when I make my first boot but after a restart, its ok.

This happens even at stock settings. I've tried several ATI drivers and am using the current version now. Bios 0425...

One thing, when I do get into windows its super fast and responsive. Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions?


I could not find any posts with a similar problem when I searched.

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I was having a similar problem as well as abnormally slow performance for my system in Windows. After hours and hours of updates and checks I decided to check the SATA drivers from ULi for the ULi M1575 which is where my drives are connected. Upgraded via their site to 2.20 and everything was corrected immediately (click on the link, choose the M1575 and choose your O/S).


Hopefully this will correct your problems as well! Best of luck.



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I'm getting an error code 10 device cannot start...Any ideas. I've unisntalled, reinstalled and still the same.

But no more black screen!!!!!


Just need to get my Storage drive back. I followed all the other posts and still can not get the drive to show in windows.


SiL driver version 9/3/2003

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