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How Did You Get Into Computers?


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For me.. It was Doom and Duke nukem 3d.. the frist 3d games i played. And then my dad bought a pentium 2 and that was a beast and a half for that time. Then i watched magic school bus episode about computers. *quite enjoyed it*

And then Diablo 1 and starcraft got me even more on my computer then the instant messangers. Pretty soon we were on a p3 i was playing diablo 2 and such. Then i got to know more about computers..... Then my friend came over and showed me the world of overclocking.. Then i went to occc. Ever since then i've been overclocking/building my own computers :lol:



And i just noticed i made the topic name wrong oh well


What got you into computer!?

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we had a home computer when i was a kid but i never used it... didcnt have any interest in it... it wasnt untill 99/00 whe i started playing Delta Force 1 on my brothers computer that i got into them, i moved to calgary and bought a 533 celeron POS system and knew pretty much nothing about computers at the time ( i had to bring the bloody thing into a computer store to get them to show me how to install ram ) but now i have surpassed almost everyone that i know ( in person ) as far as it goes for computer knowledge, even my brother who works as a computer repair tech... he still calls me for help on fixing some issues

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Hmm, my dad was a computer tech since i was born, im sure that has something to do with it. I remember him showing me how to build a computer, and i built my first computer (386 or 486 can't remember) when i was 5 or 6 years old. Ever since then ive just challeneged myself to learn more and more. I thought i was doing pretty good, then i came here, man, everyone knew more then me :P .


But ive also learned alot from here as well, and ive got a part time job working with my dad at RRSD fixing computers, running network cables, etc.


Then theres always little things that contribute to what i want to learn. Eg. Came here to learn how to overclock better, Learned to set up Novell Servers by going with my dad to work, etc.

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Well, way back when, in the 7th grade I used to play games on the old 5.25 floppys but during high school is when the "real excitement" happen. I wanted to learn everything I could possibly learn about computer technology (still am) and I also enjoyed art and gaming. During the 9th grade I joined my high school's science and gaming clubs. The gaming club consisted of us "outcasts" playing Starcraft, Warcraft, Risk, Magic, Quake I-II and any thing else we could get our hands on hehe. After high school, I entered a technical college and got a better understanding of the terminology involved in computer technology and areas ranging from website design,networking,troubleshooting,etc.

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i remember the old cartridge games that my family had for the commodore 64... I should have known my grades would have suffered when I would come home from first grade to play some crazy alien game that I had on that computer... ahh, memories... My dad wanted me to start writing programs when I was in first and second grade and I regret not learning to do so because if I had I would probably not be typing on a cheapo $10 keyboard


the first computer that was my own personal computer was an 80/286 and I could play all sorts of way cool games... I always went to computer shows and saw Wolfenstein 3d on all the computers and I was like "who wants to play a game like that?! it's so dumb!" I was probably just frustrated that there wasn't any ammo left in the pistol... little did I realize that I would be playing that game in many different forms (wolfenstein meets barney and wolfenstein vs street fighter were my favorites) Eventually I started to save up money for new hardware and I think the last couple pieces of my original computer got phazed out about five years ago when I went ATX w/ an Athlon Thunderbird 500MHz (died last year :angry: )

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when I was a young lad my brothers got an Apple IIGS, we used to play Thexter on it all the time and Id watch my brothers doing things and Id try to learn and stuff. Then we got a 486 and messed aroudn in DOS in that under direction from my brothers. Then we upgradded to a 586 and my brothers starting running a BBS (if you remember those raise your hand) I was always messing with stuff. the big point was when I build my first computer, I was probably 16 or so and Ive been learning and doing stuff every since.

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When i was in 7th grade, (1988) I went to a school that had only 31 students and it was k-8th. In my class (5th grade - 8th grade) we had 11 students and 13

Apple IIe computers. This is the first computer i learned on, she made us do everything we had to write ie, book reports, etc... on the apples. She also had us learn how to program little graphical things on it. she entered us into a nation-wide contest of school kids and what we had to do was to program a little graphical "thing". What i did was made a sky scraper and had a monster on the outside of it. I had his arms swinning. I won 2nd place for all of USA, and I won 300 bucks worth of software. after that I begged my paretents to buy a IBM compatible computer. That christmas we received a tandy 1000sx with 640k mem, and two floppy drives, 1- 3 1/2 and the other 5 1/4. rgb monitor, man we were the BOMB!!!! I got the games Skate or Die and California Games (still have them to this day on 5 1/4 disks)


as you can tell, I have been using spell check all my life so I don't spell good on my own :P



memories :rolleyes:

Edited by william488

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i anted to game and burn cds so back in 01 or so i bought a compaq and then i found OCC hence my home office has 2 good comps right now with another 5 being added yesterday that the best is a p2 400 that i am going to tinker with

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My dad bought a pre 286 computer back when I was in elem school (sort of a 186) 4 mhz 640K RAm i think and NO HDD had dos 3 and 2 5 1/4 floppys. I played prince of persia on that monochrome monitor and that was it, I was hooked. Had th 2400 baud modem and I was BBSing it up. Played this great game called Usurper (D&D sort of) text based game. Didn't start ocing until we got our PII 350 and the Cyrix 150 was mine. Those Cyrix ran hot and I burned up the CPU in a week and got put back on teh 486 DX 33. Wing Commander 2 baby!

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