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20 minutes to boot?

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My new system, well the CPU, Mobo, and Video Card are new.



after i turn on the computer, it takes about 3-5 minutes to get passed the DFI splash screen and i cant get into bios. After that it takes even longer to boot from cd... its taking up to 30 minutes to get to the windows setup screen and then before i can press enter to start setup it just freezes


my specs are in my sig


what i've tried

fortron 450 PSU

PC P&C 470watt PSU

Antec NeoHE 430 PSU

switching value ram to one stick of OCZ performance memory.


any ideas?

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Did you flash to the newest bios yet?


Are you running your rig with stock settings, memtest and prime95 stable?


Have you run disk checks on the installation drive and media?


Are there any other partitions or operating systems installed?

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Did you flash to the newest bios yet?


Are you running your rig with stock settings, memtest and prime95 stable?


Have you run disk checks on the installation drive and media?


Are there any other partitions or operating systems installed?



cant get to the bios


yes stock settings


drive is good, media is fine


now that you mention it, i had vista beta insalled but i formated the drive in a another computer


=0 Have you tried a good cmos clear?


yes i have.

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ok i managed to get windows installed, had to pull the componetes from my case.


i flashed to the latest bios, did all the windows update, did all the drivers, it was running happy.


so i put everything back together, turned it on, and it was fine, let it run for half an our, did some more updates, so far so good.


started to install adobe CS 2 suite, on disk 3 it hard freezes, i reboot and im having the same 20 minutes to boot problem


so i turn the computer off, and an hour later i come back and i give it another shot, it boots fine goes into windows login, i press ctrl + alt + del to login and it freezes again.


could this be a heat issue? i say that because outside the case i worked ok, inside it had problems.


i have everything at stock speeds, in a lian li case with 4 80mm fans.


any thoughts?

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ok i managed to get windows installed...started to install adobe CS 2 suite, on disk 3 it hard freezes..."


Have you experienced any other CD reading/writing problems?


I would try swapping the optical drive and/or the cables.

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well when all this happend it started doing the whole 20 minutes to boot and then freeze, so i cant get into windows to see if there is a problem with the optical drive.




i swichted to a dfi nf4 board and well it booted straight into windows, i left the room for a good hour though, when i can back i wasnt getting any video. so i reset the computer and now it wont post :(

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i switched motherboards because once i got my RDX200 board up and running, it started giving me the same problems it was since day 1. so i had a nf4 board lying around that i've been thinking about using incase this rdx200 is bad.... but im still having the same problem (see original post) where its taking so long to boot.


the thing with photoshop was that i installed windows on the rdx200 board, and then during installation of photoshop it locked... so i restarted and then i couldnt get it to boot into windows, i got fed up and installed the nf4 board... powered the computer and it saw the windows install, and asked me to login, right then i left, when i came back i wasnt getting any signal to the monitor, so i restarted the system (nf4 board was installed at the time) once i restarted it wont post anymore...


so now my question is. wtf?


yes i tried different optical drives, i cant get back into windows so theres no real way to try.

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