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Edo Ram

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Will, I hop i won't be moved now :P


I told u guys about my pent 90, 100 and 233. It also include RAM modules. WHen I tried to put the ram from the other pent's into the 233, it gives a siren like the cops are after me because i used illegal rams :O !!! What can be the problem? And sure all the rams does'nt look like, but some come close to each other. MAy be I'll try to send soem pics ( for the first time B)

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are they all the same mhz and can the mobo support that much memory and you should try just putting 1 stick in at a time and see if it will boot.

That's what i tried to find out after installing the cards. I tried it 1 by 1 also, but still the same siren. Only the original set works. But with the amazing huge memory of only 32 mb.....while i have a whole bunch of cards....with 4 dimmports on my mobo. I suppose OC

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