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Help With My 9800 Pro Plz


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I ordered a 9800 from newegg and they sent me the 9800 PRO with the black PCB instead. I was like cool I dont have to flash it. I ran the benchmarks and they arent a big improvement over my 5600 Ultra. My clock is at 324 and 290 which really seems odd for a pro but it reconizes it as a pro. Can anyone help?

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it is probably a 9800 not a 9800pro, but for some reason it will be recognized as a pro. it happened to my sapphire 9000, recognized as a pro, but later i did a windows reinstall, and it was recognized as a 9000.


i suggest you just RMA it, newegg is reliable.

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it is probably a 9800 not a 9800pro, but for some reason it will be recognized as a pro. it happened to my sapphire 9000, recognized as a pro, but later i did a windows reinstall, and it was recognized as a 9000.


i suggest you just RMA it, newegg is reliable.


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Alright I checked the memory and it doesnt say samsung. I forgot what it said but it was 2.8. Like an idiot I tried to flash the bios anyways to the pro and it didnt work. I thought I screwed the card up but I was able to flash back the original bios. Is Samsung memory the only one that can be flashed? I overclocked it to 400 core and 340 memory which is 9800 PRO speeds and beyond. In Unreal 2K3 I got 163 in flyby and 53 in botmatch. Does this seem normal? Do you think that this is good?

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Ok, Im really getting tired of this sspphire 9800. I really dont think that I will get anouther Sapphire. For some reason when I installed the card I had to tone down my cpu overclock from 192 to 175 or I artifacted like crazy. 192 was rock stable with my 5600 ultra. Granted the 9800 is still a better card. It's just not really what I expected. The freakin card came with Etrontech memory which pretty much says your are not overclocking. I tried to flash the BIOS with the modified 9800 BIOS and the memory can't even handle that. In 3DMark03 Im scoreing about 4650 and in UT2k3 im getting 157 flyby and 51 botmatch. This is with open GL and 3D settings set to performance. Is this what this card should be running at?

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Ok, Im really getting tired of this sspphire 9800. I really dont think that I will get anouther Sapphire. For some reason when I installed the card I had to tone down my cpu overclock from 192 to 175 or I artifacted like crazy. 192 was rock stable with my 5600 ultra. Granted the 9800 is still a better card. It's just not really what I expected. The freakin card came with Etrontech memory which pretty much says your are not overclocking. I tried to flash the BIOS with the modified 9800 BIOS and the memory can't even handle that. In 3DMark03 Im scoreing about 4650 and in UT2k3 im getting 157 flyby and 51 botmatch. This is with open GL and 3D settings set to performance. Is this what this card should be running at?

if your talking about your fsb and you dont have a agp lock. ati cards dont like the higher agp speeds like the nvidia cards can handle a lil more agp speed over the ati

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I've been reading your post, i have a sapphire 9800 and flashed the bios to Pro, there are two Pro bios' flashes, one for samsung memory which sets your non-pro to pro at 380/340 mhz and increases the core voltage slightly, the samsung memory can handle this. There is also a pro bios version for other memory (eg infenion) sets the core to 380 and the memory to 325.


My non pro is oced to 400/340, infenion memory with no problems at all??


I assume you got the bios and instructions from this link <9800 Non-Pro to Pro> ?


the non samsung memory bios is <here>


Hope im not stating the obvious?

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