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Asus Pc Probe V2.21.05


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I just realized there was a new release of Asus Probe on September 4, 2003.


I've been using version 2.19.01 (which i think my mobo came with)


Here's a link to version 2.21.05


Have people been using it? I haven't seen it mentioned (i did a search :P ). Was just wondering what the changes were. Is it more accurate? It doesn't list the changes on the Asus site. I'm on dialup, so it'll take me a little while before i get it downloaded to try it out. Just thought i'd throw it out there if some of you didn't realize like myself :) I know we all like to try and have the newest versions of things.


Oh, and on October 9, 2003, bios 1007 was released. I don't think i'm going to install it though, because the changes listed don't affect me, so why risk SBD ;) (I'm assuming Hynix and PSC are the brand names of the memory?)

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I have been using ver 2.21.02 for quite sometime and I have had no problem with it

(since the temps are pretty accurate compared to BIOS..1-2oC difference for cpu and same chipset temps) I upgraded from what the A7N8X motherboard provided, but I see no difference or any "fixes"? ;)

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ah, ok. well i'll obviously download it and install it regardless. Shouldn't be WORSE. I was just wondering if maybe someone noticed different temperature readouts after upgrading to the newer version, signifying that the newer one produced more accurate readings. shrug.

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