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Please Help a Noobie

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I'm really getting frustrated. I posted here trying to figure out my best overclock. I just cant get my machine stable, I'm no where near stable. I'll be playing a game and it reboots. I'm not going for a maximum overclock, I know this thing should be able to get up to 2.6 Ghz easy, but I'm just trying to overclock anywhere from 2.2 to 2.4. I'm just getting no where.


Right now I have my FSB set to 240.

I have the Multiplier at 9 and the LDT at 4.

My voltage is set to 1.35v


I'm at like 2.16 Ghz. My ram is running at 154 Mhz. I'm no where near stable though. So could someone please help give me a base to start on, somewhere to get me stable. Another question, what is the PCIe bus(I think thats what it's listed under in Genie Bios). I have it set to the stock 100Mhz? Is this what I should keep it at. One more question, I have a stock HSF, what kind of temps should I be looking at? Whats the max temp I want to reach(I'd like to make this processor last, I know the hotter it constantly runs, the shorter the life)? Another thing, under CPU-z my cpu code is Toledo (shouldn't it be a Denmark(not really complaining, but...). Please, Please help me.....


BTW, I've read the Overclocking guide, and it's got me this far, I'm just really frustrated at this point.

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If you're following the guide then you should start upping the voltage a notch then, see where that gets you.


Check out the overclocking database, or even the unofficial dual core opteron thread (just do a search for that eact phrase) as they'll probably have some rigs that are similar to yours.

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