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Anyone playing Elderscrolls IV yet?


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Heh... pulling this thread out to complain about my single core cpu.... :)


Got both this game & NWN2 for christmas, and NWN2 hasn't seen the light of day yet!


Ran into some problems with my new 1950pro (need to redo my sig pic I suppose) and it's gone to the shop while I'm stuck with a 1650pro as a loaner. (Runs fine @ 1024X760, but I want my native 1280X1024 back damnit!!!).


One thing I did notice though was that my OC'd 3700 runs the game fine, but I'm unable to multitask in the background. I used to be able to run my music at the same time as gaming, but now I've had to dig up a cd/dvd player to hook up to my stereo as attempting to play music at the same time as gaming causes major stutters.......


Guess I've finally found a use for a dual core proc..... :)


I've got over 120 game hrs invested, and still tons of stuff to do. Didn't finish the main quest yet, and at LVL 28 I'm thinking that I may have to start a new character to be able to finish it. :)

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The main quest may be short, but there's always the guild quests, as well as all of the smaller individual quests.


I've got over 100 hrs game play on this thing and I'm sure I'm not even half done.


Money well spent I'd say..... most games are rated for 40 or so hours of gameplay.

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I don't know, I noticed that, at least back when I had my 7900GTXs in SLI, that performance was actually worse with SLI than with one card. Course, that was probably because two 79s bottleneck on any AMD (and almost any Intel) CPU out there, but that was kinda disappointing when I did a "proving" test where one card had 50FPS in a scene and SLI had 40 :(

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I don't get any bottlenecks at the cpu (either AMD or Intel) when I run SLI or Crossfire


I hate to say it but whoever is propagating that rumor is doing everyone a disservice.


I could see a bottleneck on a slow AMD @ 1920x1080 resolution or higher, but I've yet to see a cpu bottleneck on a modern game engine (one that really utilizes gpu over cpu, which all modern game engines do now) running any dual-core AMD/Intel and dual gpu's. It just doesn't happen. The limitations that occur are usually from drivers or the game engine itself, not from the cpu's.


(ie if I can score within 5% between a dual-core @ 2Ghz with SLI vs a 3.2Ghz Intel dual-core w/SLI then I'm guaranteed that the cpu is not the limitation since these modern game engines utilize gpu over cpu)

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I should've said that instead of definitely CPU related, cuz I think it may have had to do with the drivers more than just my CPU. Although as far as I know, the only setup that can fully utilize 2 7900GTXs is a Conroe, an FX-60 can't TOTALLY utilize the speed of the cards.


Honestly, I think it's drivers and Oblivion in general, not my processor, at least not on Oblivion, cuz every other game I saw leaps and bounds of improvement in performance from single card to SLI, but Oblivion was the exact opposite.

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Oblivion is a tough engine for sure


but I can tell you that an FX-60 + 7950GT SLI is just as good as my Core2 @ 3Ghz + 7950GT SLI


I've tested them repeatedly and the only time the Core2 wins is in games or benchmarks that rely heavily on cpu


anything like 05, 06, FEAR, RS: Vegas, Oblivion, CoH, etc, they all score within a few % points between the two rigs.


We are past the time when the need for super cpu Mhz is necessary...now with games we are in an age when the cpu isn't all that important, its more the GPU is important.



You must also keep in mind the reality that you simply cannot overpower an AMD64 cpu because of the architecture. The integrated memory controller means you simply cannot flood it and make it bottleneck. That is the beauty of the design within the HTT links that AMD created (and that is probably half the reason why they went that route).


With Intel, you CAN bottleneck it...if the cpu was weak. But since Intel cpu's still rely on an MCH (separate memory controller), Intel negated this by making the cpu itself so powerful that it could match and beat AMD's offerings.


Imagine if Intel Core2 cpu's had an integrated memory controller...




As for single vs SLI (or Crossfire), it all boils down to the games and the drivers.


I'm with you on the single card outperforming on Oblivion, as I've seen it myself. I also can verify that for a long time, NeverWinter Nights 2 was absolutely atrocious when using either SLI or Crossfire (both stunk equally compared to a single card).


Rainbow Six: Vegas was the same way.


however, the trick is not just new drivers and new game patches, but finding the proper rendering method. With Vegas, I simply had to try out all the SLI rendering modes to find the one that works properly (until i customized AFR1, I had to rename the game to UTGame.exe, becuase the drivers knew how to run the Unreal3 engine in SLI proper, but it didn't know how to run Vegas proper, even though Vegas is an Unreal3 engine game!)



how that I've customized my SLI for the various games (still on official latest Nvidia drivers), everything runs fairly well.


Crossfire on the other hand...well, it sucked when I stopped using it a couple months ago.


However, with 7.1 CAT drivers out and improved AFR and other rendering methods, I'm going to give it a try again because I'm quite sure a couple X1900XT's clocked to 745/856 can whip a couple 7950GT 256MB SLI's ;)

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Maybe. Only time will tell.


I do know one thing for sure. Oblivion loves this 8800GTX. I noticed the difference in FPS rate from no special lighting up to HDR is only 5FPS in high detail areas, and 20FPS in low detail areas (doors etc where it's 220 without, 200 with). I love this thing ;) I am seriously thinking about maybe going SLI someday not soon cuz I think it'd be hilarious to see a system like mine with two 8800s. Course I'm going back to 4GBs of RAM first. I miss my four sticks I used to have back in my Asus board days :(

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