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Anyone playing Elderscrolls IV yet?


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now that I have my main rig up and running, I've spent a few hours today playing this again finally!


I got to say...a dual core @ 2600Mhz and X1900XT Crossfires with Bloom lighting + 4xAA/16AF (the AF is set in teh CCC) @ 1280x1024 on my LCD...is simply fantastic!


I snagged the Oblivion Mod Pack v4.0 from the sticky (thanks Smoken Joe!) and installed a couple (along with my $2.00 Sestuna Horse Armor mod...don't know if it was worth $2.00 but it's cool lol).


anyway, got to reload momma's rig as her hdd is dying so I had to finally get out of the game and thought I would bump this thread as I needed to find the tweak part of it so I could set the SMP bits


also the stupid game redetects my graphics each time I start the game and I had to make the damn Oblivion.ini READ-ONLY and set the settings manually in it =(

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Oblivion is awesome i loved it. I say i loved it because just yesterday after have invesiting 40+ hrs on it it froze and i rebooted and it says my saves are corrupted. Like a stab in the heart it burns. This really licks butt and i don't think i have the patience to begin again. : (

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Man, I just got started with the game a couple of weeks ago and my job takes me out of the island to another island for the weekdays. That means no playing time for 5 days, :sad: No FEAR, no Quake4, no Chaos Theory......

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Oblivion is awesome i loved it. I say i loved it because just yesterday after have invesiting 40+ hrs on it it froze and i rebooted and it says my saves are corrupted. Like a stab in the heart it burns. This really licks butt and i don't think i have the patience to begin again. : (



I've had it since the day it hit the store shelves, and I'm only level 10 right now...that is how little I get to play it lol





even in the hours I have put into it so far, I already can't wait to play it again as a totally different class because while I dig fighting with a sword/shield...I really want to try as a mage, a rogue, etc, and do a few things differently, as well as play with some more mods and add-ons etc.






here's my only problem at the moment:



this rig in my sig...everytime I start teh game, it re-detects my hardware and sets it to Ultra Quality, but when I choose Bloom Lighting and AA 4x, the game still sets it for HDR and no AA, and I cannot figure out how to get teh damn game to stop trying to detect my video settings each time I start it.


I've got the .ini filled out just right....except I can't force Bloom lighting in it and I can't force AA (but I did finally get pissed and just set it in the CCC for my Xfire setup).


Everytime in the game i try to set it for Bloom + AA, or change any settings in teh Video options inside the game, it tells me I have to restart the game, and like I said, when I restart, it redetects my vid settings and screws up all the changes I have made.


I've made my ini read-only also, but that has no effect on these changes that are being made by redetecting each time I start.


I do NOT have the beta patch installed because I don't have any problems with teh game other than this, and I never had problems with it at all like this with my previous setup (7800GTX single gpu).


I'm thinking it maybe is because of Crossfire but I dunno.

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Guest oRiOn

A6437 - I feel for you, I invested around 60 hours, beat the game and pretty much had everything you can get including the new addon's online then I decided to boot it up in order to slay some random stuff and the game crashed and game saves out the window!


That game is notorious for screwing people over, I think it is made to, in order to get you to play it over :)



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HA i somehow got it to work!!! I had just done both of the 7800gt Volt mods to my cards and i restarted oblivions to see if any increase in FPS which was an increase of 10 FPS and i also gained 20 FPS in FEAR woo hoo but back to Oblivion i started all over and the game did an autosave and then it let me acess my old saves but i had to click on the save real fast and it loaded it and then i just saved it again and been workng great yussss.

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I finally made it to level 33...having fun! I have finished most of the quests. The dark brotherhood quests are the most fun IMHO.

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1280x1024, HDR, full textures, about half or so draw distances. And V-sync, probably the v-sync thats killing frametates but i can't stand the tearing that games get without it. I'm probably getting 50fps or so, its just amazing how much more pretty it'll be a year from now. :)


What do you mean buy tearing and can you show a screenie of what you mean, anyone?

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What do you mean buy tearing and can you show a screenie of what you mean, anyone?

not to go off topic but WoW does the same thing with vert. sync disabled. my v sync locks it at a max of 75, lowest it ever goes is 70, with V sync off it tears at 140FPS +

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What do you mean buy tearing and can you show a screenie of what you mean, anyone?


You can see earing in a lot of FPS-style games as a horizontal line across the screen, with basically the frame shown offset somewhat. V-Sync forces it to show a full frame before moving on to the next basically. Creates a much smoother look but reduces framerates pretty significantly, I almost always use it though, in some games its unbearable (to me).



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no one knows how to get it to stop detecting my video performance every time I start the game?


its just an annoyance...I've set the ini as best I can, mostly to get MORE eye candy instead of more FPS since I've got der-bombay X1900XT Crossfires and the equivalent of an FX-60 lol.


I can't wait to play some more, but I have to play a lot of Eve for a while too since I'm trying to buy something new in that game, and it takes a bit to earn 200,000,000 credits (ya...200 million bux eh! I could be like Grunty and just buy teh game money with real money on ebay...but that is so weak I can't imagine doing such a thing).


But I really got back into Oblivion last night....a lot. I really enjoyed it.

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