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3800 x2 or Opty 165??? Dont quite understand the Opty..


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I was reading that the stock multiplier on the opty 165 is 9? Does this mean you cannot run it at 10? Because your FSB would be pretty damn much(311) to get up to 2.8.


If you can use 10? What is better value/overclocker?, the X2 3800 or the opty165


Is it even worth upgrading my 3800 venice at 2.7?

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I was reading that the stock multiplier on the opty 165 is 9? Does this mean you cannot run it at 10? Because your FSB would be pretty damn much(311) to get up to 2.8.


If you can use 10? What is better value/overclocker?, the X2 3800 or the opty165


Is it even worth upgrading my 3800 venice at 2.7?

Ahhh, there IS a question.


If you are happy with your 3800, the main advantage would be IF you do the things that benifit from dual core, and just can't wait for AM2.

The dualies there will have dual MEMORY CONTROLLERS, which the 939 stuff doesn't (one controller for both cores).

The Opty also has dual one meg L2 cache, if you really need that.


Kinda up to you and what you need and can afford (and can you wait that long to mess with something new). :)


Oh, and yes, the Opty 165 can NOT use a multi of 10, but the Opty 170 can.

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I was reading that the stock multiplier on the opty 165 is 9? Does this mean you cannot run it at 10? Because your FSB would be pretty damn much(311) to get up to 2.8.


If you can use 10? What is better value/overclocker?, the X2 3800 or the opty165


Is it even worth upgrading my 3800 venice at 2.7?


many ppl have been known to get 2.8ghz or above with the opty 165.. i would pick the opty, hands down.


and yeah, l ike the guy above me said, can you really benefit from the extra core? it all depends.. a 3800 is one helluva powerful proc already (its toppa the line for the venice core i believe..)

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Yeah i guess your right, all i do is game, and a little bit of encoding. When is the AM2 coming out?


June 6.. i think its not worth it


a new hsf design and ddrII mem standard


i mean if thats the basis of a whole new product launch i must say im not very impressed.. but thats just me, the critic

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Yeah, and the ddrII is not even that good yet, so i have heard. Big deal. Idk, if i should wait for that...hmmm? And if i did wait for that it would not be perfected for a while.


It will be like that xbox360 i bought launch date that barely works heh. *sigh*

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Yeah i guess your right, all i do is game, and a little bit of encoding. When is the AM2 coming out?


AMD said first half of 06? So should be out in a couple of months, but I don't think you should expect a MASSIVE performance improvement from the new procs unless you buy top of the line which will cost you Mucho Dinero. I mean that new conroe coming out which beats the FX-60 by 25-30% would probably cost $1000+.


Heres a performance comparision between the FX-60 (Opty 165 after OC) and the single core fx 57 (what you have)



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Yeah, and the ddrII is not even that good yet, so i have heard. Big deal. Idk, if i should wait for that...hmmm? And if i did wait for that it would not be perfected for a while.


It will be like that xbox360 i bought launch date that barely works heh. *sigh*


ddrII has minimal benefits due to its horrible (compare to ddrI) latencies


i dont think its worth it


and supra i said it was june 6th :P

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