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I prefer media player classic.

It's just the type of person I am.


The newer versions are messed up though.

Some with fullscreen res swicthing screwed, others with messed up vmr9 playback.

That and slower period, I hope Gabest gets it working better though, as the newer ver's are becoming interesting for sure.



I reccomend ver:



Oh yeah, if you get it, double check to see if dts audio playback works.

I heard he got into trouble with this and had to take it out, but I never found a ver wihtout it so I can't say.

I have seen people talk about it in diffrent forums though saying that the newer ver's don't have it, which is really strange to me...


Anyways whatever though ^^, should be cool...

If you need help with a basic config I can slightly modify mine and post it here if need be.

Even maybe teach ya some more advanced stuff.

Depepnds on if you're the type of person that lieks filtered output, or the type that likes a perfect 1:1 image(with the addition of say maybe nvidia's color boost and image sharpening if you got that setup).

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