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Watercooling, whats the best layout?

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'm still learning how to set one of these up. I have a couple questions if anyone is willing to help.


Are reservoirs included in part of the loop or are they meant to be used just during the fill/bleed stage? What I mean by that, is do I need to buy a T-bracket and stop or anything to keep it seperate or just pretend as though its part of the loop? Like can I have it go Res > Pump > Rad > CPU > GPU > Res > Pump , or is there a better way to do it?



Here's a diagram I made in about half a minute of what the layout will be like without any of the hoses. If someone could tell me what the best layout would be I would be immensely appreciative.





BTW: This will be in a Temjin 7 silverstone case so that's why the rad and bump are at the bottom like that.

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also you want the resivoir at the highest point in the case so all the air is left there and not in the tubing...I dont do WC but I am an engineer and know this from a physics stand point....thats really all i got..

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I gave up on resovoirs a long time ago, only exception being an external mount. Had a resovoir split at the seam and lost a couple hard drives. T-line on the inlet of pump is the best bet. The order of the components has very little effect on cooling, just the same I go pump, rad, CPU, vid card, when I am putting together a single radiator system.

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I also gave up the resvoir and went with danger den fillport with T line. Why?


easier to add fluid

one less thing that could leak

more space in my case

and I think it more secure when laying my case on its side to work on it.

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I thought about doing the T-line but read it takes weeks to bleed the air out from the system. I need all the air bled out the system before I am able to hook it up to the pc components right? Also with a T-line don't I have to drill a hole in the top of the case otherwise it's just dangling there and has the potential to leak?

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Interesting setup darth. I will probably buy another 7800GTX 512 like yourself and that will only complicate matters more for me. I've considered going down a gauge because of the complicated U bend for sli.


My silverstone tj07 case has enough room for multiple single 120 radiators I'm sure but I dont know if it would be better just to use thick gauge with a double 120 radiator or maybe go your route. I'm thinking a dual 120 radiator would be easier for my first time WC build.

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