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Best Video Card Under $250


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Whats the best Video card under $250? From the reviews I've seen its the 7600gt. Is this right? Would it be a good upgrade to go from a 6600gt to a 7600gt?


My pc is used mostly for gaming. HL2 and mods, COD2, BF2 are the main games i play.

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actually, it would be the 7800gt. if u can afford another 20 bucks, u could find a decent 7800gt on the egg. oc it, and u could have a great 7800gt, or a potential 7800gtx.




if u can shell out an extra 50 bucks, go with the 7900gt (heres an oced one from evga, one of the best makers around, plus with their stepup program, u can upgrade ur card once u get ur next paycheck :D)




ati's x1600, just for reference




notice that the ati does have 512mb of mem, but its

1)gddr2 mem, compared to gddr3

2)128 bit interface


just my 2 centies

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For $20 more you can get a 7800GT. Also, the new 7900GT is supposed to be $299, but most of them are selling for a little more, probably because they are new and in short supply. Once the 7900GT becomes widely available and settles into that $300 price segment, I can't imagine that the 7800GT's won't drop to $250 or maybe even a little lower.


If you have to have it now, I would say spend the $20 and get the 7800GT. But I would be tempted to wait a month or so and let all the prices settle from all the new cards that have just come out.

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