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Need Drivers for WinXP Pro 64bit

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I just switched my system from XP 32bit to XP 64bit and need to find the correct drivers. The system is completely unstable and I am assuming it is due to drivers. Please help. It was solid with XP 32bit.

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Thank you, I am looking for all of them.

Hoping someone has a SLI-DR set up with XP 64bit and can direct me to what they used for drivers

links would be appreciated that way I get directed to correct item since nVidia has 3 drivers all stating XP 64bit for AMDx64

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yes, fresh install, actually it is sitting on the test bench... that is how fresh it is.


I took everything apart thinking I could have caused a hardware booboo...


reinstalled 32bit... prime, perfect...

format and installed 64bit (2nd time) and rebooted when I try to prime. Most of the time it does it right away... sometime it will run up to 15 min-ish then reboots...


All I have installed is windows update, nforce, video, LAN, sound drivers... only what the SLI-DR has onboard plus 6600GT SLI. I have the BIOS set at 8 x 8. Everything else is default. Did a Ramtest and perfect.

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The same thing happened to me with prime95, it would reboot or stop with an error everytime between 4 and 27 minutes. Do a Google search of "overclock x64" and you'll see reviews and a lot of people having problems oc x64.

They don't exactly say why that is, it just is. The review I read was using the specific processor I have, and it wouldn't oc as well in x64. I've said it a few times, but I'll say it again, I couldn't get prime stable at 2750MHz with my SLI-DR or my EXPERT, but I easily got prime stable with my Venus.

I agree with focalboy, x64 is the most stable os I've ever seen, so I was willing to give up a little oc. It doesn't look like focalboy had to give up much. Nice oc. I'm sure water helps. I assume thats prime stable at 3007 MHZ?

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That is just it... everything is set to default at the moment. Everything running stock speed. All the addition stuff has been removed. All I have is the mobo, 2 x 1GB, 1 x NEW Seagate 300GB and 2 x 6600GT. Install is fresh with only those drivers.

No other junk, no O/C.... it should be 100% solid but is not... I switch to 32bit and it is SOLID... ???


I thought I may had HW failing but I just bought all this stuff that is running right now. Just got it in Yesterday. Brand NEW...

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I have been running Win x64 for almost 6 mo. and, for the most part, the system has been great. As far as driver suggestions go, head over to www.guru3d.com and look through their beta x64 Nvidia drivers and get the 83.91 one--this one has worked better for me than the standard one from NVidia's site. Also, try the Firefox and Thunderbird x64 builds; just do a google search for both of them.


As far as chipset drivers go, I don't install either the ethernet drivers (because of the firewall) nor the audio drivers (because I wanted to offload as much processing as I could from the CPU) and instead just install the Marvell drivers and do a search for the ALC850 x64 drivers; if you're having stability issues, try that.


Also, Tweaknow Powerpack Professional 2006 is a great x64 compatible registry cleaner and Windows modifier. Good luck.

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Wow, sounds fun...


Hey tell me the truth... with your experience... is it worth jump to XP64? I am shying away from x64 since it seems to be a minimal gain but maximum potential for issues?


I need a solid PC, I do consultant work on it in the day and game when I have time. Mainly old games and CS:S and BF2.


Will x64 really be worth it for me? Seems like a headache and I need this to be 100000% stable...

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In the 9 mo's or so that I've used x64, other than crashing in prime95 during oc attempts and currently in programs like Sandra, it's been very stable. I have not had one crash, freeze, lockup, unnacounted for reboot, screwy anomylies, I know it's memory related, but I've virtually forgotton what a B.S.O.D. looks like. I can't say the same for XP.

Yes it's very stable. Yes, it's worth it, since it appears you allready have it. Barring that, it doesn't make any sense to go to x64 now, with Vista right around the corner.

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I just switched my system from XP 32bit to XP 64bit and need to find the correct drivers. The system is completely unstable and I am assuming it is due to drivers. Please help. It was solid with XP 32bit.


I think it might help if you explained the instability in more detail, especially if the latest drivers aren't helping. For example, many first-time users of x64 (myself included) had a huge problem with RAID in the beginning, are you still using that and what method did you use to install the drivers for it?

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