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New Build "Burn In"???

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Gonna build my pc this weekend and I have heard people have a "burn in" period. My question is what does this consist of, which software do I use and is it really necessary to get a good overclock in the long run?

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Burn-in: This is done mostly to verify that new parts in your system are good and also that if they are going to break as burning-in will put more stress in the system morelikely will break during burn-in.


Now, some people believe that burn-in will give them a better overclock as the heat produced by the cpu will accelerate the process of the thermal paste to bond to the inside of the ihs and the outside if you are using it (you need to)


Now, as far as your system parts performing better for some electronic reason , I do not know. There are some threads here that talk about this.


you can do a search for a program called cpu burn-in some of us here have used it and it stressed the crap out of your cpu. also sisoft sandra have a system burn-in wizard that test all your components. (I think)


--Not neccesary to get a good overclock


Good luck

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A burn-in allows the thermal paste to melt, filling in all spots between the two mating surfaces. You should see ca 2-4C drop in temperatures after a 12 hour burn-in period, shut off the pc let it cool off, and restart. Temps should be pretty much final now.

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A burn-in allows the thermal paste to melt, filling in all spots between the two mating surfaces. You should see ca 2-4C drop in temperatures after a 12 hour burn-in period, shut off the pc let it cool off, and restart. Temps should be pretty much final now.


Never noted a benefit to this either, myself. Not saying it doesn't work just that I haven't got any benefits from doing it. I do agree with the theory though.

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