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Question to the ULTIMATE Oeclocking Guide


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As it is recommended to single test your Ram and Cpu to get out the max of both ive noticed something strange. I cant get my Ram past 220mhz because its ValueRam but Im confident with this.

As i tried to reach the 225mhz I noticed wheter Im getting a lot less errors in Memtest 5 with CPU Multi set to 10 (1:1) then with Cpu Multi 7x

Has this something to do with my Memory or with the Integrated Memory Controller of the AMD 64?


Yet another Question:

What is an AMD 64 3200+Venice with Stock Voltage(1.4V set in Bios) able to reach? Mine even dont wanrs to do 2200mhz. is this normal?

-Sry im absolutely new to Overclocking


Thanks for advice


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About ram i don't know much, as i am still having my corsair RMA'ed.


about the Venice 3200+, with default voltage i was able to reach 2200 easily, when i increased it to 1.44v i was able to reach 2600 mhz (with memory divider), but currently i am only at 2500 (check http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc?id=76893 for my cpu-z verified result).

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As it is recommended to single test your Ram and Cpu to get out the max of both ive noticed something strange. I cant get my Ram past 220mhz because its ValueRam but Im confident with this.

As i tried to reach the 225mhz I noticed wheter Im getting a lot less errors in Memtest 5 with CPU Multi set to 10 (1:1) then with Cpu Multi 7x

Has this something to do with my Memory or with the Integrated Memory Controller of the AMD 64?


Yet another Question:

What is an AMD 64 3200+Venice with Stock Voltage(1.4V set in Bios) able to reach? Mine even dont wanrs to do 2200mhz. is this normal?

-Sry im absolutely new to Overclocking


Thanks for advice



First question - errors are errors, dozens or hundreds. You.ve found the max, creating errors do not increase or decrease the max.


Second question - the AMD64 3200+ Venice core has many different Binnings and to answer your question would require collection of data accross a very broad spectrum and then the answer would be within each grouping and could not be specific to such a large class. You can find some research in some forums that would generalize an answer to that but there is no manufacturing technique that would allow controls of those specs to within a few hundred megahertz.


I hope this helps to confuse the issue some or is that to enlighten you on the issue some. Please laugh, your question, thogh serious is not one easily answered.

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Thanks for replies.


So the Max mhz im able to reach with my Memory does not differ with another COU Multi? Im saying im having few errors with x10 Multi so there could be a bigger chance to get it stable at this.

Ok but i guess the answer is no.

I will now go on Optimizing my timings at 220mhz (im happy with this it gives me a nice overclock of 10%)

The SPD said 2.5-3-3-8 @2.6V @200mhz.

My results on 200mhz: 2-3-2-7 2.6v SuperPi32M Stable

My results on 220mhz: 2.5-3-2-7 2.6V Super Pi32M Stable


Maybe Ill be able to reach 2.5-3-2-5 with 2.6 or maybe 2.7v


Yet another question: The Dram Strength Level is set to Auto. If i change it to whatever i get immediately errors :confused: i guess the Auto function only chooses between the Levels im alowed to chose between ,too???




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