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Guest SuppA-SnipA

ordered my evercool vc re, from a canadian store actually, and i just thought i should let others know too lol

so my temps are around 45-50 C with stock fan :), and not to mention the annoying "rattling"



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ordered my evercool vc re, from a canadian store actually, and i just thought i should let others know too lol

so my temps are around 45-50 C with stock fan :), and not to mention the annoying "rattling"



So are you going to share the link with your Canadian brothers?



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let us know the result wit the new vc-re ;)


i purchased stuff from adpmods before and the tech-support/cust-service is bar-none. yes, none.


last time i had a defective thermal probe, they send a new one for FREE the next business day. its only $17, but still....

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I did the same mod on the Expert. After I had the stock HS off, I mounted a temp probe next to the chipset core being very careful that it didn't get in the way of the VC-RE when I mounted it. I reused the mounting spacer from the stock HS to make sure the VC-RE sat properly.


FYI, AG put out a good tutrial on replacing the AS5 on the chipset that you can use for mounting the VC-RE.




My temps under load playing BF2 are 40 degrees C as reported in the BIOS and 44 degrees C as reported by the temp probe.

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I believe the temp probe since I know its measuring the temp right at the edge of the chipset core. There has been a couple of threads on how the Expert under-reports temps in the BIOS. Some guys have reported as much as a 10 degree difference.


However, I also placed a temp probe right beside the IHS on the processor underneath my HS. The temps in the BIOS show 2 degrees higher than the temps measured on the probe. Now I realize since I am measuring the edge of the IHS so the temp probe is probably not as hot as the core so that might explain the difference. I'm thinking that it would be interesting to take off the IHS and measure the temp on the actual processor core and then compare it to what the BIOS says.

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Guest SuppA-SnipA

so its pretty accurate, well its monday here, and im at school on my first day from march break :( o well, tech class is sweet, and when i get home i hope my vc re is there! :D cheers

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