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Old IDE HDD shows as 32GB RAW drive

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Greetings to all,


I've always read DFI street for a long time as a guest and the forum did go a long way in me deciding to buy a DFI board.


I have this problem with my old system drive (250GB Hitachi Deskstar 7K250 IDE) and i'm trying to copy data over to my new Seagate (in sig) and reformat to use as storage but the DFI BIOS & Windows only see it as a 32GB drive. I went into the BIOS and checked out all settins and they looked fine but then I decided to reconnect it to its own box and do the data copy over my network but now the drive still shows up as a 32GB RAW drive even in its old shell which worked flawlessly before I connected it to my DFI mobo.


Can anyone help me out, i'm really deperate as theres over 200GBs of data on that drive. I even used Bart's PE to see if I could do it that way but it shows up RAW in there as well...


What can I do?

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My first suggestion is to check the pins, make sure master/slave is set correctly, cable swap, etc. I have had this problem before and I fixed it, although it was a maxtor(showed as 1 or 4gb)...need a sec to recollect...





ahhh ok, I never liked deskstars...If it is your boot volume have you tried booting into it, also do you have any RAID options set? I need to know everything...

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Don't have any RAID setup, I disabled all of that in the BIOS.


I already have Windows installed on the Seagate and that is what I boot into, but even in disk management and bart's like I mentioned, it only shows up as the 32GB RAW. At least if I can get it to boot in its former shell then I can copy over a network or PC to PC

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