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Vcore Fluctuations


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Recently, I've been trying to push my 3800 X2 above 2.25ghz. I decided to settle for the magical number of 2.4ghz, and tried to prime at stock voltage. It didn't work :(


Anyway, I pumped up the voltage by using the 1.35v*104% option, and all was good. :nod:


However, using cpu-z and speedfan, I noticed that the Vcore voltage was fluctuating between 1.344 and 1.36v while priming.


When I just went into Bios and selected 1.40 as my Vcore, there was no fluctuation.


Any thoughts? I think my PSU is good enough that this shouldn't happen.

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The windows utilities used to measure voltages aren't reliable.

Your real voltages are somewhere between Bios readings (idle value) and Bios settings ( load value) in your case ~1.40v.

If you want to know for sure which is your real voltage you should measure it with a DMM.

If you was only concerned about your voltage readings, don't be. It's normal.

Try doing a search and you'll find a lot (many, many, many) posts regarding this problem

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Yes, I had this "problem" and thought about it and realised it wasn't.


CPU-z has set voltage readings, and will only round to the nearest 0.02v or so. So if you fluctuate 0.001v up (harmlessly) when you are on the brink of being 1.404v according to cpu-z, it will actually read 1.424v instead, when you are in fact only 0.001v higher, not 0.02v higher.


So this isn't a stability/PSU problem, it's just the readings being poor.

If you get a voltmeter, you should find they aren't actually fluctuating much.


So this means the voltage you are at is on the brink of one of the cpu-z readings, so if you up the voltage 0.005v, you should find it stops fluctuating, as it will then be in the next voltage level.


Sorry if I explained that poorly, but my meaning is don't worry, it's the programs' faults, not your hardware.

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