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AG,Bulldog, Rgone... Expert Temp-sensor bug. update?

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Hey guys! Just hoping that one of you may be able to update all of us who are waiting on a fix for the Expert boards suffering from the faulty CPU temperature reports.


Has there been any further progress in nailing this one down? What are the chances for a fix in the near future? Have you atleast been able to recreate the problem in your labs? Was all of the data we collected in the polling thread passed on to the engineers who needed it?


Thankyou ahead of time for your feedback and efforts on this issue! I'm looking forward to your response!

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They get busy you know..


Bumping a thread everyday waiting for a reply is not the best way to contact them.. How about looking up their profiles in the forum and emailing them, I bet that would work better.

I've been through all of that and then some. Their names in the title should get their attention. In fact, after 5 emails to the engineers without a reply or even a read receipt, i kinda gave up on the whole email thing... And most PM boxes are full...


my guess would be that there may have been some guidance within DFI to avoid this topic at all costs... but i'd hope not. there are alot of Expert owners waiting for the answer to these questions!

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thats the same reply (*ahem* non-reply) that Rgone, Bulldog and I get

lol.. umm... that's not good


could you atleast answer this one: "Was all of the data we collected in the polling thread passed on to the engineers who needed it?"

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There is a new Smart Guardian DL at the DFi Site. Did you look there? Guess not.

do you mean the release of their 64bit version? if so, that does nothing to address or solve the problem i'm talking about with the Expert motherboards.


We need a new Expert BIOS to fix this issue.. if it's even possible to do so. and a new Expert beta BIOS is longggggggg overdue for more than just this reason... I think that someone needs to pinch Oskar and wake him up...

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