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Upgrading to 2gb ram what to do?

Guest cloud_171_merged

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Guest cloud_171

Hi, I am planning to upgrade to 2 gigs of ram and currently I have a gig of ocz bh-5. I love the current ram I have and I was wondering if there would be any negative effects if I added another set of bh5? or should I just go with a new set of 2 gig ram? If so any recommendations that would perform as well as the ram I have now? Thanks.

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Go with a new set since it would overclock better using 1T even. I was in the same situation as you are right now. Sold my BH-5 1GB kit and bought these 2GB G.SKILL F1 PC4000 Kit which can hit at least 280MHz if you know what you're doing. Good Luck!

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Guest cloud_171

Ahh thanks. Just ordered a pair and concidentlaly they are on sale :) 150$ @ newegg

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