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Say it ain't so, Microsoft.


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That sucks...


If i buy a license it should be to use in my computer (one), whichever it is, but it still my computer and my license...


Maybe they will tell us in some years that if we change our mouse we will have to buy a new license...lol



And there you go that:

El Reino Unido quiere puertas traseras en Windows Vista


Como se puede leer en esta noticia de la BBC, el Reino Unido quiere puertas traseras en Windows Vista. Claro, que de esto ya hemos hablado largo y tendido.


Pero veamos los que dicen estos socios de Echelon, en el momento que se ha aprobado la retención de datos en Europa:


Representantes del Gobierno de Reino Unido han expresado a Microsoft su temor de que la nueva versión de Windows (Vista) haga más difícil que la policía pueda leer archivos sospechosos.


Se me ocurren algunas consecuencias, algunas de ellas muy graves, al hilo de esta afirmación, tanto para la versión actual, como para la versión futura del omnipresente sistema operativo. Dejo al lector, tan divertido ejercicio.


De todos modos la afirmación "A Microsoft spokeswoman said Windows Vista was designed to be the most secure version of Windows yet", dada la seguridad de los sistemas actuales, creo que es un objetivo que con un poco de esfuerzo por su parte, será muy sencillo de lograr. Lo que no sabemos es que si esa mejora será suficiente para los usuarios.


Esto no hace más que confirmar la necesidad que tiene la sociedad de abandonar ciertos hábitos tecnológicos, que a la larga, irán en contra de su privacidad y/o seguridad. Señores, como ha recomendado la ONU, lo mejor es usar software libre.


Claro que a raíz de lo que leo en Hispasec ("La seguridad no importa a los usuarios") creo que esto es clamar en el desierto y ojo, que el experimento estaba dirigido a gente que "debería saber" del tema. Por ello, lo que hace falta es alfabetización tecnológica, alfabetización tecnológica y alfabetización tecnológica... Lo demás, debería venir más tarde.

from kriptopolis.


It says:

The UK wants back doors in windows vista.


Representatives from the UK goverment told microsoft their fear to the new version of Windows (Vista) makes difficult to the cops to read suspicious files...

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That brings up a question, can they go and change the existing license agreement that was included with my original builds of XP? Can they force me to buy more of them, I mean they are saying 1 core component, I have swapped boards many times and kept the same chip well , just because it was a good overclocking chip and was serving me well.

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what the uk security services were saying was that the new hardware encryption that can be enabled with Vista could make it extremely difficult for them to get into criminals hard drives and therefore could prevent investigation for evidence. but its worth noting that the Home Secretary (thats like head of ministry of defence kinda) also said he dont care coz its gonna happen anyway so they (and everyone else) will just have to think up some other way to catch crims.

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That brings up a question, can they go and change the existing license agreement that was included with my original builds of XP? Can they force me to buy more of them, I mean they are saying 1 core component, I have swapped boards many times and kept the same chip well , just because it was a good overclocking chip and was serving me well.
Be tough to enforce it on original builds and builds which don't require activation.

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If you check out one of the sources ("The Register" listed at the bottom) for this article, it goes on to say that this has always been part of the licensing agreement, so I don't get why MS would choose to bring it up now as if it's something new.

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