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Average RMA time?

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Anyone know what the normal time between DFI receiving a motherboard and them sending a motherboard back is? I sent them my motherboard at the end of Jan (thread: link ), and according to the RMA Status Check, they received it on the 31st Jan (although it says


Receive Date 31/01/0006


Seems they received it 2000 years ago! :nod: Anyway, I havn't heard anything since. :(


Once DFI has received your motherboard for RMA service, DFI will endeavour to have your motherboard repaired within 5 working days although this may not always be possible (eg. shortage of components) and delays maybe unavoidable.


On the page they link to in the email I got with my RMA number etc, it says:


Once we have received your motherboard, the board will then be exchanged (with the same model) within approximately 2 working days.


Am I just being impatient, or should I email them or something? :confused: Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well a week after my first email (and couple of days after another one) I got a reply!


You board requires more extensive servicing, so it is still in our repair facility. I suspect that it will be repaired shortly, whereupon it will be returened to you.


Duno if that is good or bad... DFI have had the board about as long as I have had it. icon8.gif

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Thanks :)


Yeah, they seem to want to repair it and send the same board back... I wish they would just send me another repaired board, then they could take their sweet time repairing that board and I woudent have to wait weeks on end without a motherboard... :drool:

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Hi again, good news! When I came home today, I found a white motherboard sized box with my name on it, and it realy did contain my motherboard! :nod:


I quickly set it up outside the case, and it is working perfectly. :D It may have taken a while, but they fixed it, so thanks DFI. :cool:

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