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past few months i have more and more problems with my DFI config...i'm going crazy.

my probel now is that my comp is extremely slow,when i press rihgt mouse button it takes a few sec till it shows options on desktop,icons and so.it takes a long time to start some application-5 sec or more (winamp,excel...anything).when i want to switch programs Alt+Tab it takes eternity to do that...comp is OC-ed to 2.5ghz,mem 453mhz or something like that.but it has the same problem on stock options!!!i've set windows after format like Angy Games show on his clip... can you give me your opinion?

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Yes out of memory is a good possibility check what pregrams are running and get rid of the ones you dont need. Is the computer prime and memtest stable?



Turn off the computer and restart then get into task manager. If you can not get into windows check memtest from the bios and reinstall windows. The maxtors cah have issues with this board they do not officaly support non intel motherboards.

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Yes..you should check for them.. also DiamondMaxes have issues.. so far i have been using mine for about 2 months no problem.. but it is said that you can get problmes like data corrucption.. so your Maxtor is one possiblity..

also you MUST check for virus, malware,spyware..ofcourse if you are sing Windows that is..

I found SPYBOT and WINPATROL very effective... specially WINPATROL.. you can manage all your startup programs and it also detects programs trying to change your registers.. so I guess first you should go into task manager and check all you processes.. go here http://www.processlibrary.com/ and check what they are...

if you are doing nothing your cpu usage should effectively zero.. otherwise depends onw hat u r doing..

also try looking if there is a firmware update to your drive.. searching in maxtor is a bloody waste as they dont put any damn thing in their site...

good luck bro..

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Have you scanned your system for spy-ware or viruses? Some processes might be hidden. If you want to know what is running on your computer you could use a program called Hijackthis (easaly found on the net and free). If you think it's hard to understand the list of processes you could post it to some forum dealing with this.


Edit: An antivirus program which is free and easy to use is Avasti home edition. It has a good option of both checking what is corrently stored in memory and you also have an option of scanning the computer from boot mode, which is far more effective.

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i've did all this,scaned for viruses with kaspersky,did registry clean,defragment windows,spyware search and all other stuff you metioned.i also think that the hdd is making some sort of problem.when i tried once to install win 64-bit it stopped in the middle of instalation showing some stupid error (it says "look in maxtor manual" :S ).i'll change hdd and then i'll see does it make any problem. (stupid maxtor)

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You mentioned that you made the changes according to Angry's video. Did this behavior start (or get worse) after you made those changes? If so, see if you can roll back your system to just before you made the changes. Then you might want to go through the video again and only disable a few of the services at a time and see if you notice any slowdowns. It's hard to imagine any of those changes doing this to your system, but perhaps you checked an incorrect box and disabled a service you didn't want to disable while you were watching the video. This can happen because some of the services names are very close to other services names. This is the first thing I would do.


The second thing I would do is go into taskmanager, as discussed above, and click on the "Performance" tab. If your CPU is maxed, or nearly so, there are things we might be able to do to address that issue. It's great to look at the "Processes" tab, but the number of processes really doesn't have much to do with anything -- it's what those processes are and what they are doing that counts. But, as I said, the best way to determine if this is an issue is to look at the performance tab first. Keep your taskmanager up for a while until your computer slows down. Then glance at the performance readout -- it shouldn't stay on 100% for any length of time unless you are doing something that is really CPU intensive. If it does stay at 100%, post again because we need to deal with that issue. You still might have a problem with your hard drive, but it makes sense to eliminate the easy stuff before you start swapping hardware in and out.

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