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SLI Issues: Posts on video 1 Switches to video 2

Guest OCNewb_merged

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I have two 6600 GTs with the SLI bridge hooked up on my DFI Infinity SLI motherboard. The first thing I discovered is that when I have two cards installed at the initial bootup only the top card, (the one closest to the CPU) shows the Infinity splash screen and post information. Even worse since I dual boot operating systems the operating system menu shows on this first monitor. (I have each monitor hooked up to a different card). After it loads windows xp 64 the first monitor gets line noise for a screen and the second monitor, attached to the 2nd card (furthest from CPU) boots up 'normally'.


It therefore seems that if I want to run SLI I will not be able to see the post information (including any BIOS screen and my operating system menu) unless I have a dummy monitor hooked up to the first card just for that purpose. Is there a way to change this behavior?


On a secondary note, it seems my SLI is not working correctly. I have the load balancing option checked, but I never see it activated in any games or 3dmark etc. Also my 3dmark scores are atrocious at 3467 for 3dmark05. I know I should be in the 6000s or higher with my setup.

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1) you CANNOT run two monitors in SLI mode!! (unless you install a 3rd PCI card...see below). In order to get two or more monitors to work with just the two cards you have, you need to start and stop the SLI mode manually, and sometimes a reboot is also required. DO NOT hook up a monitor to each card! That wont work either, and it will often times confuse your system to the point it of malfunction!


Read the following link to learn how to solve this problem using a 3rd card: http://forums.nvidia.comersions in order to find your highest scores. (remember, the highest scores arent /index.php?showtopic=6269&st=0://http://forums.nvidia.comersions in ...topic=6269&st=0


2) Do NOT turn on the "show load balancing..." it is pretty much useless, and it will often times crash your games and whatnot.


3) regarding your 3dmark scores, what forceware drivers version are you running? I have a feeling that fixing the above two issues will help your scores a little, but you should also experiment with various forceware versions. Remember, the highest scores are not always indicators of the best Image Quality (IQ)! For instance, I use the Z-tweaked 82.12 drivers for gaming because the image quality is the best i've found thus far, but the 83.40 beta drivers allow me to OC higher and therefore give me the best benchmarks).

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