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Second hard drive...slower bootup?

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I just installed a seagate 200GB as a slave for my 74GB WD Raptor hard drive for extra storage. The seagate 200GB is IDE wereas the Raptor is SATA.


My problem is it takes MUCH longer to boot up then it used to. The slow down occurs at the windows loading screen, which takes much longer then it did with just my raptor.


Any ideas? Thanks.

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Make sure the cable is tight and try a diffrent cable or two. Also make sure that the juper is in the correct though the problems should not be on loading windows. Do you have it on a seperate cable oor with the CD drive they should be seperate for best performance. You can experiment with diffrent cable setuops to see if somting might help.


You can also go into bios to make sure it is being recogniced correctly and using the correct transfer method.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same problem happened here:

New system (specs in signature), currently have only the Seagate 160gb SATA-II contected to the SATA1 connector.

I installed XP x64 and everything was smooth, no need even for the F6 during install. Windows started quickly, installed drivers (Nvidia nforce, ati 6.2, and few other things), then i installed the first bunch of Windows Updates from Windows update website, after the reboot it takes much much longer to load, it stuck for a while on the loading windows logo.


Windows detects the HDD as Sata 2G - 300 with all options enabled (read cache, write cache, ncq).


any idea how to speed it up?

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I have same problem on DFI ultra-d.But my propblem is the ohter way around.When i put both pata and sata hdd in comp then its start fast(1-2 sequences).windows is installed in sata hdd and second hdd is empty.and only this gonfiguration sata hdd is sata 1/2 connector and pata is ide1).When i put only sata hdd then its takes 10 sequenses in win loading screen.I think it is bios settings but where and what???Please somebody help us.Sorry my bad english.=)

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1) Try playing with the Delay for HDD in bios see towards bottom of Advanced bios features. increasing the number rends to improve detection of drives.

2) Do u have any usb drives card/readers even multifunction printers any or all od these can seriously slow down the boot process, if u jave any try unplugging them & testing if they are your problem.


luck :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

same problem here...


I noticed in windows, and norton ghost(dos mode) that the sata(boot disk) is deteted as disk 1 where as the pata is disk 0,


i suspect that is what is causing slow boot ups.


when i first installed my computer, the sata was on disk 0, but since i did a reinstall my sata is read in as disk 1..


any help would be appreciated...


edit - i took out my pata, and the boot was fast, put in another pata and the boot was still slow, is this a motherboard issue or is this bios issue?


edit - looking at the boot.ini file i can see that it is trying to boot from disk(0), so when i load windows and the sata is disk(1) it causes the slow boot, i tried changing boot.ini file and it doesn't make a difference.

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well after some quick testing and fooling around...


I unplugged my PATA

Started up in SATA

Installed Nvidia IDE drivers

Reboot twice

Plugged in PATA

To my surprise, boot up was way faster, from like 30 - 40 secs to less than 10 secs




My SATA is still read in as disk(1)


Does anyone have a similar setup that can tell me what their SATA is read in as either disk(0) or disk(1)


Thanks in advance

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