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Getting sli error An sli connector is requierd??

Guest DEViANCE_merged

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Guest Dynamic

Have you checked if the SLI BRIDGE is set into place and not loose? Have you set your SLI BROADCAST in the Bios to ENABLE. Try installing just one card and shut down and setup the other card with the Bridge and then load into windows and see what happens?

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yes did all that checked everything all is tight and plugged , altought i never had to or never enabled SLI BROADCAST what is that option for ? worked befor and it was disabled

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Guest Dynamic

Hmm....I actually don't know but i overheard Angry saying something about it being on, not sure.....


Note: So did you get that BEAST up and running yet....

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also when u reformat like i did , should we only plug in 1 card at a time and install drivers?


what i did was left both cards in without the brige , it detected both and i installed both cards , but sli didnt seam to work , u know when u dont have sli enabled and u reeboot it should tell you that u can use sli etc? but it never did , so i uninstalled and cleaned all driver, took 1 card out , installed it , put other card in , installed it , rebooted again , used the brige , then i had that error that i needed the brige


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well the option is ither AUTO or disabled , i put it to auto , rebooted , didnt get sli error , but when i take sli off , and rebbot a pop up should SAY i can use or enable sli that dosent come on niter .. how could i say exacly if it works right ?

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i think problem fixed , rebooted took bridge out and back in shaked it back and forth , to make sure it is tight , booted back up , detected sli pop up came on , enabled sli , rebooted , no more errors after , so i can test this in call of duty 2 without any problems


thank you for ur help

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Guest Dynamic

So you think it was a loose bridge? Anyhow off topic, how is that RAPTOR working for you? I was thinking about purchasing one from Monarchcomputer.com or Newegg.com for like $177 plus tax and shipping. How hot does that drive get, i have 2x80mm fans by the hard drive so it should be enough. Let me know, hehehe...


Note: If you haven't noticed ASUS makes a SLI BRIDGE holder for their boards so the bridge doesn't come loose. Also this usually happens for SATA drives as well, since the power and connectors for the drives come off so easily.

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So you think it was a loose bridge? Anyhow off topic, how is that RAPTOR working for you? I was thinking about purchasing one from Monarchcomputer.com or Newegg.com for like $177 plus tax and shipping. How hot does that drive get, i have 2x80mm fans by the hard drive so it should be enough. Let me know, hehehe...


Note: If you haven't noticed ASUS makes a SLI BRIDGE holder for their boards so the bridge doesn't come loose. Also this usually happens for SATA drives as well, since the power and connectors for the drives come off so easily.

how the heck do your connections just fall off!? In transport? or just sitting perfectly still on/under your desk!?


it must be all those earthquakes in CA... j/k! lol :P

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